London’s future Green Deputy Mayor will praise the good, criticize the bad and promote the radical 19 February 2003 by sianberry The London Green Party voted to accept Ken Livingstone’s offer on the same day that congestion charging was introduced in London. Jenny is currently the London Mayor’s Road Safety Ambassador and has been involved in promoting many of the human scale transport initiatives which are making London a safer, cleaner and Greener city. In relation […] Read more »
A champagne toast to the success of the congestion charge 17 February 2003 by sianberry Jenny was keen to show the grass roots support for congestion charging amongst Londoners and to counter the views put forward by the vocal minority of London drivers who oppose the scheme. Jenny Jones said, “The voters elected Green Party politicians like myself to do something about the traffic and pollution which is clogging up […] Read more »
Tory Norris would be London’s "night-mayor", say Greens 16 February 2003 by sianberry Darren Johnson said, "Ken Livingstone has been a disappointment on many issues but the last thing London needs is a Tory Mayor pledging to abolish the congestion charge – the one policy that will undoubtedly be Livingstone’s greatest achievement." He continued, "People will not trust a former Director of the Road Haulage Association to tackle […] Read more »
By All Greens Necessary: Stop the War 15 February 2003 by sianberry Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green Party in the London Assembly said, "Greens believe that even if the UN were to give a war on Iraq its backing, that would still not make it a legitimate war. A second UN resolution will not somehow make war more just. It will not make it more moral. […] Read more »
City Hall finally welcomes cyclists 13 February 2003 by sianberry City Hall is home to the Mayor and the London Assembly. The placement of cycle racks for casual visitors to City Hall will supplement the existing provision of cycle parking for 50 staff in the basement. City Hall, along with other modern central London buildings such as Norman Foster’s ‘gherkin’, only have provision for unloading […] Read more »
Greens predict that congestion charge will reduce crime and illegal vehicles, as well as traffic 12 February 2003 by sianberry The Greens believe that proper and consistent policing of traffic offences within the zone will challenge the culture of crime on wheels which has grown up in London as a result of traffic police numbers being halved in the last twelve years. Jenny Jones, Green Party member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said, “We have […] Read more »
Green tax on air travel grounded by Darling 12 February 2003 by sianberry The Minister was commenting on the recent report from the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution which recommended a ban on new runways and a green tax of at least £70 per return ticket. Commenting on the situation, Darren said, “Just as there is to be a congestion charge for cars in central London, there should […] Read more »
Greens lay out ambitious agenda for future of congestion charging 12 February 2003 by sianberry She welcomed recent surveys which show that more people than expected are thinking about leaving their car at home, but she also highlighted an AA report which found that around half of the people currently driving into the zone will be eligible for a discount, or exemption. She wants to maintain the momentum towards traffic […] Read more »
London Mayor launches public attack on Greens 8 February 2003 by sianberry But Cllr. Darren Johnson AM countered, "Ken is wrong to say the policy choices are between his own and the Tories. The real choice in London, as elsewhere, is between the sustainability agenda of the Greens Party Group and the unsustainable agenda of the others." Darren continued, "When Ken Livingstone supports new roadbuilding, airport expansions, […] Read more »
More lorries on central London roads as Royal Mail stop electric train 6 February 2003 by sianberry The underground electric railway runs right through the congestion charge area, from Whitechapel to Paddington, with stops at sorting offices like the one at Mount Pleasant. It has carried letters and parcels beneath the streets of London for the last 75 years, but is due to close later this year. The 3.4 million bags of […] Read more »