Leading author supports Green call for action on Camp X-Ray detainees

Jenny will also be urging Mayor Ken Livingstone to use his influence to help the Londoners currently interned in Cuba.

Lending her voice to Jenny’s campaign to afford these prisoners in Camp X-Ray their basic human rights, author Margaret Drabble said, “The detainees’ situation is completely unacceptable and should not be forgotten. Will they still be there in a year’s time? I fear so, unless there is constant pressure. The conditions sound so appalling and I am not satisfied by the reassurances of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office who tell me there are no visible signs of ill treatment. Imprisonment without trial is itself ill treatment.”

Commenting on the situation, Jenny said, “We can’t defend freedom by denying justice. The Foreign Secretary needs to start acting in the interest of British Nationals instead of swallowing the Bush administrations line. It is outrageous that these men have been left in complete legal limbo for so long.

The fact that there have been repeated suicide attempts by inmates clearly indicates the dire circumstances these men are placed in. If they have committed a crime they should be charged and presented before a criminal court otherwise they should be immediately released and this gross infringement on their human rights should stop.

I find it incredible that the Swedish and Pakistani governments are able to act in defence of the human rights of their citizens and that the British government will not!”

The Swedish and Pakistani governments have both asked the US to either charge or release their citizens. This had led to three Pakistanis being released.


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