Say no to Bus Cuts

London Green Party is opposing the dramatic cuts to bus services proposed by the Mayor and Transport for London.

The Mayor has proposed change to 78 routes of which 21 routes would be cut completely. In total:

  • Nearly 1 in 20 bus kilometres will be cut.
  • Cuts to routes and night buses affect 23 boroughs
  • Around 80 new changes between buses involve a different stop: this will especially impact people with wheelchairs and buggies.

If these cuts go ahead, it will harm many Londoners who can least afford to lose these services. Many of us will find it harder to get to work, see family and friends, or get to essential services.

While the Conservative Government has been playing politics with London’s finances, starving Transport for London of much-needed money, the Mayor’s proposal to cut these services is not the answer.

As part of our campaign, we’ve launched a petition to call on the Mayor to work with central government and local councils to find alternatives to these cuts.

For more details and to sign the petition, see:


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