2 April 2003 by sianberry
Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green Group in the London Assembly, said, ‘We are asking people to bring their own candle and jam jar. People are being urged to wear black or black and red, to symbolise the blood spilt in this conflict.’ The organisers of the action plan to spell the words ‘No Blood […]
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Keen supporters of the plan, Mayor Ken Livingstone and Transport Minister John Speller, are both attending the reception at Canary Wharf. Ken Livingstone originally opposed the building of the bridge during his campaign to become Mayor in May 2000. At one meeting of local people, he stated that if the planners wanted the bridge they […]
1 April 2003 by sianberry
From 1st April 2004, the Mayor of London’s Waste Strategy states that all London councils should introduce a borough-wide kerbside collection scheme for recycling. The Greens have today published league tables showing each borough’s progress, based on latest available official figures. Cllr Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly, […]
27 March 2003 by sianberry
Cllr Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly and a tireless champion of allotments said, ‘Recent years have seen an increase in the popularity of allotments, but unfortunately in many parts of London the waiting list for a plot is as long as 5 or even 10 years. Allotments […]
21 March 2003 by sianberry
‘Like the majority of Londoners, the Greens are outraged by this unjustifiable war. We believe it is illegal and immoral. That’s why we will be joining thousands of ordinary Londoners on the march to Hyde Park on Saturday. We are sending a clear message to the Government that this war is wrong,’ said Cllr. Darren […]
In the current climate of increased threat from terrorist attack, there is serious concern for the safety of London residents, as trains carrying spent nuclear fuel regularly travel through built up areas close to housing, schools and businesses. Greens are calling on the Government to suspend these trains that travel from nuclear power stations in […]
Currently, between 4am and 3pm, planes take off from one runway and land on the other. Then from 3pm to 11.30pm, the operation is reversed. This gives residents a break from having to endure the noisier landings all day: it is the noisier landings that are the cause of most complaints. But if the mixed-mode […]
20 March 2003 by sianberry
‘Our troops joined up to defend our country and keep the peace, not wage a war on behalf of US corporate interests,’ said Cllr. Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly. ‘It is an abuse of the loyalty and the lives of British soldiers to use them in this immoral […]
17 March 2003 by sianberry
Greens are proposing that local councils pass an emergency motion to make themselves Councils for Peace, so that London can join the numerous cities promoting peace across the world, including 151 in the USA alone. Cllr. Darren Johnson AM said, “Londoners are massively opposed to this war that is threatening the very fabric of international […]
13 March 2003 by sianberry
Victor Anderson said; "Noise is making itself heard on the political agenda and it’s an unignorable din. It has become another form of urban blight which we need to quell." "Noise is high up on Londoners’ list of worries, but the powers-that-be have so far refused to treat it as seriously as it deserves. I […]