Brown’s Green tax does not go far enough 28 October 2003 by sianberry Greens are renewing their call for a congestion charge for air traffic to tackle pollution, noise and other hidden health concerns that result from aviation. “At last, Gordon Brown is beginning to see the benefits of aviation taxes. But in the era of the cheap flights boom increasing air passenger duty to £10 on economy […] Read more »
Green Grid network essential to East London, agrees Mayor 22 October 2003 by sianberry Greens believe that the Thames Gateway development will not be sustainable without the Green Grid, a vast network of existing and new green space which link parks, commons and nature reserves across town centres and major residential and commercial areas. Phase One of the Grid (mapping and establishing principles) has been funded by the London […] Read more »
Greens to grill Mayor over super-boroughs 21 October 2003 by sianberry The idea has been condemned by Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly. “Ken Livingstone’s plans would spell disaster for London. We need to bring local councils closer to local communities, not take them further away. Greens would like to see smaller local councils which would provide a […] Read more »
Deputy Mayor supports public sector strike 16 October 2003 by sianberry “London is a city that is increasingly expensive to live in; it’s also a city of both low pay and extreme wealth. Greens believe there is a need to make sure that those who look after the capital and provide our essential services can afford to live in London,” said Jenny. “The last thing London […] Read more »
Get fresh at the weekend: Farmers’ Markets come to town 14 October 2003 by sianberry The report "Farmers’ Markets – building bridges between farmers and London shoppers" finds a surging demand for Farmers’ Markets amongst Londoners, yet with fewer than 30 markets across the capital, many are denied access to the quality home grown produce. “With the current crop of food horror-stories, it is little wonder that Londoners are crying […] Read more »
7,000 Londoners call for halt to nuclear waste trains through London 13 October 2003 by sianberry The petition calls on the Assembly to make representations to the Government to end the routing of nuclear waste trains through densely populated areas, such as London. The petition will be presented at the London Assembly Meeting on Wednesday 15 October. “For many years, trains carrying highly radioactive nuclear waste have been travelling through London. […] Read more »
Every London Borough should fast track Safe Route to School 8 October 2003 by sianberry Walking buses are an important part of the Safe Routes to School schemes, which are being funded by local authorities and the Mayor of London. Jenny is calling on Ken Livingstone, to expand the Safe Route to School schemes to cover all the schools in London. Such schemes have been shown to reduce traffic, ease […] Read more »
Keep off the grass – London’s playing fields under threat 6 October 2003 by sianberry The report highlights the urgent need for more recreation grounds due to London’s growing population and worsening obesity rates. Applications for developments on playing fields in London have more than doubled in the last four years. Housing, new schools and privately-run sport facilities are all being built on previously green sites, limiting Londoners’ access for […] Read more »
Greens slam Mayor over super-boroughs 30 September 2003 by sianberry “Ken Livingstone’s call to split London into five super-boroughs must rank alongside Margaret Thatcher’s decision to abolish the GLC for its sheer arrogance and wrongheadedness,” commented Darren. Under Mayor Livingstone’s hare-brained plans there would just be five local authorities in London – North-West London, North Central London, North East London, South-West London and South East […] Read more »
‘Home Rule’ for Stokey and Shoreditch – Greens launch Local London campaign 30 September 2003 by sianberry Mayor Livingstone is calling for London’s 32 boroughs to be scrapped and the capital to be split into five huge super-boroughs. In direct contrast, Greens are calling for smaller local councils that truly represent London’s communities . “Greens would like to see smaller London boroughs which would provide a real voice for London’s historic local […] Read more »