20 May 2003 by sianberry
“It will cost £17 million just to bid for the Olympics, even if we’re not successful. Right now, that money would be much better spent on improving housing and transport in East London,"said Darren. “Supporters of the bid say it will aid regeneration, but will such promises turn into reality? We don’t want any more […]
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19 May 2003 by sianberry
The Greens have scored Ken out of ten for his performance in each of his key areas of responsibility, awarding him an overall Green rating of 5 and a half. The Mayor’s State of the Environment Report, which looks at and measures key aspects of London’s environmental performance, is due to be launched on Monday […]
16 May 2003 by sianberry
Noel has put a formal question to the Mayor asking him to condemn the current proposals and use his influence to protect Camden Town’s character and its independent traders and businesses. Greens want to see a tube station improvement scheme which fits with the scale and character of Camden Town and provides affordable space for […]
12 May 2003 by sianberry
Irish-born Noel Lynch said, “The Government is using the same excuses that were used to justify the Prevention of Terrorism Act, which resulted in over 100,000 Irish being held, while only a few dozen were ever charged. We echo the words of John Wadham, director of Liberty that ‘these proposals are ill considered, unnecessary and […]
Greens are demanding a complete re-think on the Government’s plans for airport expansion and are asking for the Government to make the aviation industry pay for the true cost of the damage it causes. Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly argues that the ethos of unfettered growth in aviation […]
11 May 2003 by sianberry
Commenting on information leaked to the Sunday Times, Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly said, "The general trend in the world is against fluoridation. It’s quite incredible that Tony Blair would want to fluoridate Britain. The ‘fluoride’ that’s added to drinking water is hexafluorosilicic acid – a […]
6 May 2003 by sianberry
Darren Johnson was officially selected from a choice of four candidates. Darren received 55% of the vote. Jenny Jones received 27%, Tom Walsh 11% and Hugo Charlton 7%. Darren commented, “I have a clear track record of winning elections and look forward to heading the strongest Green challenge ever in London." Darren Johnson, one of […]
2 May 2003 by sianberry
Noel, who has a long history as a Green Party activist, is a shop keeper and experienced auctioneer, who brings with him a wealth of knowledge on campaigning about community issues. The 25 Members of the London Assembly are elected to scrutinise the Mayor and be concerned for the overall well being of London. Noel […]
1 May 2003 by sianberry
London Assembly member, Jenny Jones, is urging anti-war and environmental protestors to join those demonstrations which are fun, small scale and in keeping with the tradition of non violent dissent which has become well established in this country. Pressure from the Greens on the MPA led to a softer and more flexible approach to policing […]
29 April 2003 by sianberry
Jenny said,"It is great that Mayor Livingstone is giving extra money for children’s safety, but he is giving twice as much to local councils for bridge strengthening. Which is more of a priority? Dealing with parental fears, or strengthening roads in London so that 44 ton lorries can use them?" Commenting further, Jenny said,"Safe Route […]