Greens will lead fight against plans to put fluoride in London’s water

Commenting on information leaked to the Sunday Times, Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly said, "The general trend in the world is against fluoridation. It’s quite incredible that Tony Blair would want to fluoridate Britain.

The ‘fluoride’ that’s added to drinking water is hexafluorosilicic acid – a hazardous toxic waste product of the phosphate fertiliser industry derived from the pollution scrubber liquor from its factory chimneys. There is considerable scientific evidence that fluoride can be harmful to health even in small quantities.

Darren added, "Apart from the health controversy, it’s against standard medical ethics. Under the European Convention on Human Rights and Medicine a patient MUST give consent to medication, and must be free to withdraw consent at any time. Fluoridation destroys that right."

"Fluoridation isn’t even proven to reduce tooth decay. In fact there are mass studies from New Zealand, Canada and the USA that show no difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas.

The Greens will be urging London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, to take a tough stance in opposing plans to fluoridate London’s drinking water. Three years ago, Mr Livingstone came out in in opposition to fluoridation following questioning from Darren Johnson at Mayor’s Question Time.

Darren continued, "We all know that tooth decay is caused by lack of dental care and too much sugar. Fluoridation won’t address either of those problems. I shall be arguing for London to have a proper dental education programme for parents and children, because ultimately education is the answer."



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