Greens in Islington have been celebrating after winning all three seats in the Highbury ward.
Greens are now Labour’s main opposition over the next four years.
Caroline Russell retained her seat for the third local election in a row, and is joined by Benali Hamdache and Ernestas Armstrong-Jegorovas in the Town Hall.
“Islington voters have said quite loudly that they don’t want a one-party state,” said Benali. “I’m incredibly grateful for the support in Highbury. We worked really hard to convey that our supermajority Labour council needs opposition.”
Caroline said: “I’m delighted to have colleagues – I’ve had 8 years on my own. It’s been a huge effort and I’m so proud of the trust the people have put in us. They’ve come out in their thousands to vote and have overwhelmingly put their trust in us.”