The Mayor of London is hoping to bring Formula 1 racing to London – in the midst of the ongoing climate emergency.
Sadiq Khan has been meeting with the car racing group to set up a circuit around the Royal Docks in Newham.
Green Party Assembly Member Zack Polanski has spoken out against the scheme.
“The Mayor of London is claiming to care about the Climate Emergency whilst also being keen to get Grand Prix plans underway. Anytime, but especially during COP26 – this is ridiculous.”
One in seven residents in Newham suffer nitrogen dioxide levels beyond safe health limits. Zack said:- “Newham is one of the boroughs in London with the worst levels of air pollution that the Mayor has signed off a toxic underground motorway for – the Silvertown Tunnel. We need to be reducing emissions, not fuelling them.”
Formula 1 also has a bad record on carbon emissions. In 2019 the competition produced over a quarter of a million tonnes of carbon dioxide, largely from shipping the infrastructure around the world.