City Hall finally welcomes cyclists

City Hall is home to the Mayor and the London Assembly. The placement of cycle racks for casual visitors to City Hall will supplement the existing provision of cycle parking for 50 staff in the basement. City Hall, along with other modern central London buildings such as Norman Foster’s ‘gherkin’, only have provision for unloading vehicles, along with a hand full of car parking places for people with disabilities. This makes cycling the main form of personalised transport for staff and visitors who use these buildings.

Ken Livingstone said:

"Cycle parking for visitors should be a regular feature of life and design in central London. All new developments should be encouraged to provide it as standard and I hope that the provision of cycle racks will spread in future years."

Jenny Jones said:

“Cycling is slowly making a comeback in central London and with congestion charging it should be seen as one of the main alternatives to car use. Cycling in central London gives people the speed, freedom and flexibility which people desire, but public transport often can’t provide. Extra cycle parking is a small, but practical part of the package of traffic reduction measures in London. I hope that developers and other government buildings in central London will get this message and do their bit.”



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