No platform for Greens to take on Class Law, meat traders and Ms Money Penny

He offered to speak after receiving an invitation from Class Law and after hearing that Conservative Party Assembly members would be putting the arguments against congestion charging.

The Class Law meeting has been widely advertised in the media and is aiming to pull together the complaints of several groups, including the Smithfield Traders and some West End Theatre staff, including Samantha Bond, who plays Ms Money Penny.

Darren is concerned that people might get drawn into an expensive court action which has no hope of success and which goes against the democratic wishes of the majority of Londoners. A previous court case brought by Westminster Council found conclusively that the London Mayor had consulted properly.

Jenny Jones, the London Assembly Green Group transport speaker, has produced a briefing which counters the main arguments put forward by Samantha Bond. Jenny believes that the congestion charge will benefit the poor, improve the environment and make London work better.

Darren Johnson said:

“"Although there are some legitimate grievances most of what I hear from the scheme’s opponents is a lot of self-centred whingeing from people who think they have a divine right to drive anywhere and don’t care about London’s environment. We urgently need to reduce traffic in London and congestion charging has a hugely important role to play."

Jenny Jones said:

“The money raised will be spent on bus improvements and road safety, both of which primarily benefit the poorest people in London. Asking for the polluter to pay is only fair when you consider that the poor of Inner London have been picking up the tab for all the pollution, noise and road casualties which cars and lorries impose on these communities.”


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