Green MEP marks Hiroshima Day 6 August 2009 by sianberry Hiroshima Day is observed all over the world every year on 6 August, in commemoration of the atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War. It is estimated that 140 000 people were killed in Hiroshima, and 74 000 people in Nagasaki, where the […] Read more »
Mayor’s transport goals for outer London, climate change and overcrowding at risk 28 July 2009 by sianberry Jenny Jones has written to the London Mayor responding to the Transport Statement of Intent. Jenny said: "Most of the Mayor’s key goals will only be achieved with bold new ideas and a large increase in investment. For example, the expansion of cycling and walking in outer London is completely under-funded, yet that is where […] Read more »
Vestas demo for wind power and green jobs 28 July 2009 by sianberry London’s Green MEP, Jean Lambert, will join protestors at the Save Vestas Rally outside the Department for Energy and Climate Change at 6.30pm today [28th July] to demand action from the Government to support the wind energy industry and protect green jobs. Speaking ahead of the rally, Jean Lambert MEP said: "In its Energy White Paper, the government […] Read more »
Jean Lambert at launch of ClientEarth campaign 27 July 2009 by sianberry Jean Lambert, London’s Green MEP since 1999, has lent her full support to a campaign to ensure London meets air quality laws in time for to 2012 Olympics. She will join ClientEarth, an environmental law and policy organisation, and other campaigners at City Hall this morning for the launch of CleanAir for London. The campaign is […] Read more »
Insulation scheme fails to learn lessons 23 July 2009 by sianberry The LDA have today announced details of their programme to retrofit London’s homes with energy efficiency measures, and have allocated £9.5m additional funds. Darren Johnson believes that this scheme could be a missed opportunity for London. "The example of Kirklees Council has shown us that the success of their scheme lay in its simplicity, as […] Read more »
Where’s the beef Boris? 22 July 2009 by sianberry The London Assembly has called on Mayor Boris Johnson to show greater ambition and leadership for London after more than a year in charge at City Hall. Assembly Members were debating the Mayor’s responses to questions about his proposed economic development, transport and planning strategies at an Assembly meeting this morning. London Assembly Chair Darren […] Read more »
Mayor must continue drop in private car journeys 22 July 2009 by sianberry At tomorrow’s meeting of the London Assembly, where the Mayor faces questioning on his emerging policies for transport, economic development and planning, Jenny Jones will ask colleagues to join her in calling on Boris Johnson to set tough targets on cutting private car and motorbike journeys in London. The motion that Jenny will put to […] Read more »
Halt ‘inhumane’ mass deportation plan for Afghan & Iraqi refugees in Calais ‘jungle’ camp, urge UK Green MEPs 17 July 2009 by sianberry In an urgent letter to the European Commission today, UK Green MEPs Caroline Lucas and Jean Lambert have called for an immediate suspension of plans to deport around 1,800 individuals from the so called ‘Jungle Camp’ in Calais back to Afghanistan and Iraq next week [1]. Writing to Justice, Freedom and Security Commissioner Jacques […] Read more »
Business rates rise will hurt London’s high streets 16 July 2009 by sianberry As the Government proposes that business rates should rise by an average of 10 per cent, before inflation, over the next five years, Darren Johnson is calling on the London Mayor to lobby the government to issue automatic business rate relief for all small businesses that are eligible. London’s high streets have already become casualties […] Read more »
Record numbers of London drivers disqualified 9 July 2009 by sianberry A report going to a Metropolitan Police Authority committee today, says that "record numbers of serial and serious traffic offenders are being disqualified from driving by courts in London." Since late 2006/07, 8,759 have been disqualified in London. Action against the estimated 400,000 uninsured drivers in London has also increased dramatically in the last five […] Read more »