London Green Party launches #smogselfie campaign to raise awareness of London’s air pollution

TODAY the Department for Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) issued a smog warning to London and the south-east as air pollution levels reached the maximum of Level 10 on recording devices.

The Department advised people living in the capital against doing any strenuous activity outdoors.

4000 people die prematurely in London every year and with the Mayor of London failing to take action to tackle this massive public health risk, the London Green Party launched a new campaign – #smogselfie. The Party asked members and supporters and anyone who cares about air pollution in London to use the dust around the capital’s roads to send their own messages to Boris Johnson calling for action.

In a statement to accompany the launch of the campaign, Caroline Russell a candidate in May’s upcoming local elections said:

“As London and the South of England are finally given government health warnings about breathing air that is polluted by toxic vehicle emissions, it is time for the government to reconsider its transport policy.  The planning and transport policies that have built in car dependency over many years  are coming home to roost.  

We urgently need to prioritise public transport and make our cities, towns and villages safe and convenient for walking and cycling.  Active travel provides a double whammy solution – reducing air pollution and increasing physical activity, which is an effective cure for multiple health problems.”

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