Green Party candidate apologises again for misogynistic experiment - South  West Londoner

The Mayor of London needs to act more seriously on cutting air pollution, according to a leading Green Assembly member. 

The Mayor has recently expanded the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone).

But questioning from Zack Polanksi revealed this will not be enough to bring air pollution in London within new World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. One out of ten London roads will still leave one out of ten roads toxic. 

There is also the controversial Silvertown Road Tunnel development which has attracted many protests.

Zack said: “Air in London has been too toxic for too long. The Mayor is still building the Silvertown Road Tunnel, which will pollute Londoners living near that urban motorway.
“The World Health Organisation has underlined the need to act quickly with new guidelines on air pollution that are lower than the existing legal limits.   Reaching these new lower limits requires serious action, which means reducing London traffic. Clean air doesn’t just mean changing the vehicles we use, it means changing the way we travel around our city. 

“The ULEZ sets London on the right path, but we need to stop new road building and set out a plan to reduce traffic and the pollution from it.” 

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