The latest Transport for London bailout could mean fare rises on public transport – with drivers travelling into the capital paying nothing.
The Government have offered a £1billion recovery package for London’s transport network.
But TfL will have to find additional revenue of up to £1billion by 2023.
With the ‘boundary charge’ of £3.50 for vehicles travelling into the city now ruled out, the money is likely to come from higher fares on buses and trains.
Green Party London Assembly member Sian Berry is worried drivers will get a free pass while everyone on public transport foots the bill.
She said: “There is no mention of developing truly fair alternatives to the proposed boundary charge for spreading the cost of transport more fairly between people driving on the roads and people using buses and trains.”Berry would prefer to see other options to raise the shortfall including a road pricing scheme where drivers pay per mile to travel within the city. This is a scheme that the Mayor, Sadiq Khan has the power to bring in to tackle London’s poor air quality.