Mayor of London Failing to Tackle London’s Housing Crisis

News from Siân Berry: social housing loss hits 13,500 | London City Hall

London has lost thousands of social homes in the last decade, according to Sian Berry, Green London Assembly member and Mayoral candidate.

Since 2003, 13,500 social homes were lost, as revealed in Sian’s new report.

Sian’s report shows how the Mayor has made steps to address the housing crisis with his London Plan, which contains a policy that social housing demolished as part of estate redevelopment schemes must be replaced.

After a strong campaign by Londoners, including Sian Berry, the Mayor has also included a requirement for a ballot for residents on estates facing demolition.

But Sian’s report shows these policies are yet to have a significant effect on stemming the loss of social housing in estate redevelopment schemes.

Even more concerning, the Mayor approved grant funding for dozens of schemes in the months before the ballot policy was enforced in July 2018.

Siân Berry said: ‘London simply cannot afford to lose 13,539 council and housing association homes through demolition. Waiting lists of Londoners in urgent need of housing continue to grow and people are more squeezed than ever by the housing crisis.’

Berry also stressed that ‘demolishing estates in this way not only reduces the amount of housing for families in need, it also breaks up communities at the heart of life in the city.’

Read the full report here.

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