Greens’ Best Election Ever

May 2019 has seen the best ever local election results in the 46 year history of the Green Party.  In total we saw a net gain of 194 council seats and we now have a record number of 362 councillors on a record 122 councils.

Our three biggest council winners were Brighton, who now have 19 seats, Solihull who’ve moved up to 14 councillors (including an 84% Green vote in one ward) and Mid Suffolk where we doubled our representation to 12.

Many of our wins have been in new territory for the Green Party in places like Darlington, North Devon, Carlisle and Colchester.  We have representation on over 50 new councils.  That’s 50 more towns, cities and districts that have a Green in the room changing the debate and changing the focus of their councils. 

These stunning results are set to give a huge boost to campaigning and the chances of success for the EU elections 23 May.  The element of proportionality in the EU elections is also a bonus and, in London, we have an impressive line up. Our lead candidates are Lambeth Councillor, Scott Ainslie and Gulnar Hasnain, who was part of the City Hall team who set up the world’s 1st City Climate Change Action Plan.

Across the country over the bank holiday weekend, Greens will be celebrating the exceptionally hard work of our Green Councillors everywhere and the energy and skills of our members in driving the Greens’ most successful election campaign to date. Along with festivity, there will also be thousands of Green activists at doorsteps, delivering the latest EU election material. Come and join us.

Here is the message from Caroline Lucas MP that we will be delivering:

leaflet message from Caroline Lucas


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