Lewisham Green Party local election results

Lewisham Green Party local election results

7 May 2018

Lewisham Green Party expresses its thanks to all those who voted for our candidates in Thursday’s elections. We took roughly 12% of the votes cast and came second in terms of average votes per candidate. In a third of Lewisham’s wards we are the second party.

Sadly, in the face of a focused effort by the local Labour machine we lost our Councillor for Brockley ward. We express our deep gratitude to John Couglin for all his work on behalf of local residents over the last four years, and for his dedication as the sole opposition councillor.

We will continue to work on behalf of all residents across Lewisham to promote our values of economic equality and environmental sustainability. We invite you to join us in this effort. If you can help please get in touch via contact@lewisham.greenparty.org.uk


John Coughlin_Lewisham

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