Marking Holocaust Memorial Day at City Hall

Caroline Russell, who is the sole opposition councillor in Islington Borough Council, and tweets at @CarolineRussell, said,

“At a moving City Hall HMD (Holocaust Memorial Day) event on Monday I was reminded by speakers of my visit to Auschwitz in 1991 which woke me to politics.”

Sian Berry, who is a Humanist, represents Highgate ward in Camden, commented at a Green Party meeting, that with Brexit and Trump, there had been a spate of antisemitism which she hopes her policing committee will tackle,

“It was very moving and we heard testimonies… and the Rabbi dropped some heavy hints about the United States of America (in her speech).”

The Ceremony was Live Streamed on the London Assembly’s facebook page, here you can view it in full

Thanking Ousman and Shaheen of the Camden Green Partry for raising the issue of Trump’s signing of a Muslim ban, “Caroline Russell said “It’s mortifying that our prime minister was photographed hand in hand with a misogynistic, racist and probably fascist president on Holocaust Memorial Day.”

Sian added,

this happened on Holocaust Memorial Day, which makes it even worse when you remember that Hitler’s first legal act against Germany’s Jews was to restrict their citizenship on the basis of their religion.”

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