New years resolution: Get involved in 2 January events

Our campaigns and political education officers have put together a fantastic event this Saturday to which supporters are welcome in the morning if invited by Green Party members and also welcome for lunch. The afternoon will be for Green Party members only.

Next Tuesday,

The EU referendum result was the biggest shock in the UK since 1945, with Labour voters in the old industrial heartlands swinging the result. The only party that has the right policies in place to be able to represent the Labour Heartlands is the Green Party, but we’re generally weak in numbers in these areas.

One option is to team up our London members with Green Parties in the Labour Heartlands. If 50 (around half a per cent) of London members were to give up one Saturday a month we could take a coach load to the Labour Heartlands. Birmingham Green Party has expressed interest and Stoke’s three constituencies look most inviting.

All those interested in this idea are invited to an informal meeting to discuss next steps.


And this Saturday, It would be great to have every local party represented so don’t hesitate to come along and help update us on what your local parties are up to.


Morning 10-12.15: Current threats to the NHS – a political education session focussing on the ‘Sustainability and Transformation Plans’ (STPs), hospital closures, PFI; hear the facts and discuss campaign strategies. The emphasis will be on how local Green Parties and local Green councillors and candidates can get involved – for example in ‘save our hospital’ campaigns,and in the drive for local authorities to resist the call to ‘endorse’ the STPs with their secretive cuts-laden agendas and their impossible burdens for local authorities’ social care and preventive health functions.


Heather Finlay, Green Party activist/former GE candidate in Hackney, also lay member Hackney CCG and member Hackney Healthwatch

Helen Mercer, People vs PFI

Merril Hammer, Save Our Hospitals: Hammersmith and Charing Cross

12.15 pm – 1.00 pm – Lunch (organisers will supply finger food and disposable plates/cups; tea, water and juice available). Donations requested – suggested £3 for lunch plus £3 for room hire for each part of the day that you attend – or whatever you can afford if on low income.

Afternoon 1 to 3pm; Campaigns Forum; There is a diversity of campaign issues across local parties within London. London Fed hopes to use its resources to better coordinate priority campaign issues throughout 2017. This Forum will be a discussion on which campaign issues to prioritise with the aim of creating a structured plan for implementation. 

First hour 1 to 2

  • Discussion between local parties on relevant campaign issues

  • Identification of key campaign issues for London Fed

Second hour 2 to 3pm 

  • Production of strategy for London Fed campaigns implementation 

Donations will be requested for lunch and a contribution to room hire.

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