EU Historic Deal Will Help Reduce Plastic Bag Blight

Green MEP Jean Lambert calls the deal made between the European Parliament and Council “a breakthrough” as for the first time “binding measures at EU level to reduce this waste” are passed.

A deal on new EU rules to reduce plastic bags was reached between the European Parliament and Council today and was confirmed by representatives of EU governments. The new rules oblige EU governments to adopt measures to drastically reduce the use of single-use plastic carrier bags.


Commenting, Green MEP for London Jean Lambert said:

‘This deal is a breakthrough. Plastic bag litter blights urban areas as well as our matchless countryside – while also seriously harming animals, especially marine life. It’s hard to think of a better symbol for our throw-away society.

‘This marks the first time we have binding measures at EU level to reduce this waste.  EU member states will have to do something to reduce single-use plastic bags but they will be able to choose how to do it: either they introduce pricing for plastic bags or equally effective measures, or they deliver on ambitious reduction targets.

Jean concluded: ‘A small charge has worked very well in Wales, but it should be applied across the board, from large supermarkets to small corner shops.’

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