Where’s the beef Boris?

The London Assembly has called on Mayor Boris Johnson to show greater ambition and leadership for London after more than a year in charge at City Hall.

Assembly Members were debating the Mayor’s responses to questions about his proposed economic development, transport and planning strategies at an Assembly meeting this morning.

London Assembly Chair Darren Johnson AM said,

"The Mayor has announced lots of initiatives since he arrived at City Hall but there are legitimate questions about whether they add up to a consistent coherent vision for London. The Assembly has important work to do identifying the gaps and weaknesses in the Mayor’s proposed strategies and pressing Boris to fill them."

John Biggs AM, who proposed a successful amendment to the motion told the Assembly

"There is a danger that a Mayor who is a media figure and likes to be admired won’t risk upsetting some people by picking the fights that need a heavyweight champion in the ring for London."

Mike Tuffrey AM, who seconded the amendment to the motion, told the meeting,

"The Mayor’s strategies are full of admirable intentions and examples of good practice. But they fail to spell out all the big strategic steps that London needs to take if our City is to remain a world beater."

The full text of the motion is as follows:

That the Assembly notes the answers to the questions asked but expresses concern that, after more than a year in charge, the Mayor has failed to develop a coherent vision for London and calls upon the Mayor to show greater ambition and leadership for London

Notes for editors:
1.    The motion was passed by a majority of Assembly Members at ameeting of the full Assembly today. View the webcast at:

2.    As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

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