Greens shocked by rail depot plan for Maylands Fields

Replying to a formal question from Green London Assembly member, Noel Lynch, TfL stated, “A number of possible depot sites are under consideration both East and West of London. One of these would include the Green Belt site between Harold Wood and Brentwood referred to locally as Maylands Field”.

This major new threat to Maylands Field comes at a time when campaigners are seeking a government review of Havering Council’s recent decision to grant planning permission for a barn, farm and roadway on this important wildlife and green belt site.

Green Party London Assembly member, Noel Lynch said, “I am dismayed that Maylands Field should face such a serious new threat. Only recently, at my request, Mayor Ken Livingstone wrote to Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, to seek a call-in of the current planning application, because it threatened one of the Mayor’s own Nature Conservation Sites."

"Now, the Mayor’s Transport for London is allowing a proposal for a major depot on or adjacent to Maylands Fields to go forward. This is totally contradictory”.

“Ken Livingstone needs to instruct TfL and Crossrail to rule out Maylands Field and other green belt sites for a depot. He should instruct them to re-use existing depots or other built sites, such as Ilford Depot.”


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