London Olympic bid wins no medals with the Greens

This has left rumours flying, with high anxiety for Hackney residents who fear the huge impact the games could have on London Fields and the Marshes.

Noel said, “Without clear information on what will be built where, how can people in Hackney decide on whether they support having the Games in East London? This is a disgrace -information is a keystone of democracy. I am fighting to get the best information available and ensure that local people get a say.”

The main study on the feasibility of the Olympics in London, by the consultants Arup, is not publicly available. This report has even been refused to Noel, despite his membership of the Culture Committee – the very body responsible for holding the Mayor to account on the Olympics.

Noel continued, “There are obvious reasons why certain information must remain confidential, but at least London’s elected representatives should see details of why the Mayor is supporting this bid. This information should also be available in the right form to Londoners.”

The Greens are the only group that have opposed the Assembly’s wholesale support of the Mayor’s Olympic bid during the last 6 months. Green opposition is not only about how the Olympic bid is being developed, but also due to key weaknesses in current proposals:
· the creaky transport system’s lack of capacity
· creation of a poor legacy – leaving Londoners paying for the wrong type of developments
· financial impact – extra Council tax bills of £200 plus for an average household
· damage to green spaces and the environment

The Mayor’s apparent lack of action on his legal obligation that developments for the Olympics meet high standards to provide social benefits and minimise environmental impact has also added to the worry.

The Greens will continue their work to get assurances from the Mayor and the Government on their four areas of concern.

Noel Lynch, voiced the concerns of the majority of Londoners, when he stated, “The current bid is not a winner – not for the Olympics, not for sport, nor for Hackney. It will not improve the lives of Londoners. This is too good an opportunity to waste on current proposals.”


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