Green Party names its candidate: Darren Johnson to run for London Mayor

Darren Johnson was officially selected from a choice of four candidates. Darren received 55% of the vote. Jenny Jones received 27%, Tom Walsh 11% and Hugo Charlton 7%.

Darren commented, “I have a clear track record of winning elections and look forward to heading the strongest Green challenge ever in London."

Darren Johnson, one of the Green Party’s best-known public figures, is widely acknowledged to have fought a very strong campaign as the Green Party’s Mayoral candidate in May 2000 and the Greens were rewarded with three seats on the 25-member London Assembly.

Darren continued, “Ken Livingstone has introduced important initiatives, such as congestion charging and affordable housing targets, which have our support. On other issues, however, he has been a disappointment, favouring new roadbuilding, airport expansion and a development plan that puts big business before local communities.

“Simon Hughes, Steve Norris and Nicky Gavron will be offering just more of the same. For Londoners looking for something fresh, I will be providing a genuine Green voice in this contest and will fight hard for every vote.”

Welcoming the selection result, Green Party Chair Andrew Cornwell said, “I am delighted that London Green Party members have given Darren Johnson such clear backing. He will be the only candidate in the Mayoral race who has consistently worked for a better quality of life for all Londoners. He has also repeatedly challenged the current Mayor’s failings on Green issues.

“Last week’s elections show that voters are looking for something new, and Darren is the ideal candidate to help the Green Party repeat its dramatic success in Scotland and in local councils when Londoners vote for a new Mayor and Assembly.”

Darren outlined some key policy measures he wants to see implemented as a Green Mayor

• Reducing traffic through a £3,000 a year parking levy on company car-parking spaces and expanding the congestion charge scheme
• Halting Ken Livingstone’s plans for new road crossings in East London, declaring a complete end to roadbuilding in the capital and spending the money on new tram lines an orbital rail link and improvements for cyclists and pedestrians instead
• Promoting green industries and local economies rather than creating ever more jobs in the financial sector
• Ensuring all vital local services, such as doctors, libraries and post offices are within walking distance for everyone
• Making solar panels compulsory in all new developments to combat climate change.



1. Darren Johnson is 36 and lives in Lewisham. He was elected to the London Assembly in May 2000 where he is Leader of the Green Party Group. He was also elected to Lewisham Council in May 2002.

2. The Mayoral election will be held next year at the same time as the elections for the London Assembly. At the last Assembly elections the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly.

3. The Scottish Greens increased their numbers in the Scottish Parliament from 1 to 7 MSPs in last Thursday’s elections and Greens made many gains on local councils throughout the country in the English local elections.


Further details and to arrange interviews with Darren Johnson contact
Graham Lee 07956 261902

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