London’s future Green Deputy Mayor will praise the good, criticize the bad and promote the radical

The London Green Party voted to accept Ken Livingstone’s offer on the same day that congestion charging was introduced in London. Jenny is currently the London Mayor’s Road Safety Ambassador and has been involved in promoting many of the human scale transport initiatives which are making London a safer, cleaner and Greener city.

In relation to the Mayor, Jenny is determined to praise the good, criticise the bad and to help promote a more radical Green agenda in London. The Greens on the London Assembly have all criticised Ken’s Livingstone’s road building programme and his promotion of airport expansion at Stanstead and Gatwick. They have all praised Ken’s bravery at bringing in congestion charging. They all want the Mayor to press ahead with implementing a Low Emission Zone as quickly as possible.

Ken Livingstone promised to rotate the Deputy Mayor position between the four political parties on the London Assembly. Nicky Gavron, as a member of the Labour group, was appointed Deputy Mayor after the elections in 2000. Ken decided against giving it to the Conservatives in 2001 and the Lib Dems refused the offer in 2002. The Green Party decided to accept the offer after a vote amongst all its London members. It is a non executive post, but is nevertheless an influential position that can be used to promote a radical Green agenda for London.

Jenny Jones said, “Congestion charging was the first big step in getting rid of the pollution, gridlock and noise which are the downside of life in London. As deputy Mayor I will promote the expansion of the congestion charging area; reducing road deaths and developing renewable energy in London. As the first Green Deputy Mayor I look forward to using my position to generate public debate about a wider Green vision for London, as well as specific policies.”

Darren Johnson, Leader of the London Assembly Green Party Group said, “I congratulate Jenny Jones on the Green Party’s decision to accept the Mayor’s offer to become the first Green Deputy Mayor of London. I’m sure that Jenny will continue to point out where Ken has got it wrong on road building, airport expansion and his pro-globalisation, London Plan. And I know that Jenny will work hard as Deputy Mayor, pushing policies which will make London a cleaner, Greener place”.


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