Young Greens challenge voter ‘apathy’

The Green Party believes that young people should get involved in local government. It argues that so-called voter ‘apathy’ amongst the young is not laziness, and that one of the reasons for low voter turnout is that many people perceive little difference between Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat policies.

London’s young Green candidates offer energy, enthusiasm and new ideas, and are here to start the much-needed regeneration of local politics.

Nick Davies, 23, Candidate for Beckton Ward in Newham, said: "If you are fed up of being valued only as a consumer, vote Green in May local elections. The Greens are the only party to offer a radical alternative to the unsustainable Big Business oligarchy offered by both McLabour and the Tories."

Frances Mortimer, 23, Candidate for Hampstead Town Ward in Camden, said: "We can’t afford to leave it to pressure groups like Greenpeace to look out for the future of our planet. We need elected MPs and councillors who consider the impact of every decision before it is made."

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