London's Green Party
17 October 2011 by sianberry
In response to the protests currently taking place in the City of London, Green Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones said: "The protests are a clear indication of the frustration felt by many people over the current economic and political situation. It is very difficult to stomach deep cuts to public services and massive increases to youth […]
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13 October 2011 by sianberry
The Green Party’s Jenny Jones launched her campaign to become Mayor of London with a promise to end the reign of Greater London Authority (GLA) fat cats. Outside City Hall the former Deputy Mayor declared her aim to make London the ‘Fair Pay City’, starting with a 10:1 maximum pay ratio for employees of organisations […]
The London mayor responded to questions about an extra 151 slight child pedestrian casualties last year, by saying that he felt that there was ‘no huge alarm’ as long as the number of killed and seriously injured was still declining. He said that he was looking at "the blip in statistics" which has seen child […]
12 October 2011 by sianberry
Twelve chief executives in London local authorities received a pay rise in 2010/2011 research reveals. Whilst some chief executives took a pay cut or froze their annual income, others saw fit to take a hefty rise despite earning over £100,000. It has also been revealed that the average remuneration received by council chief executives in […]
11 October 2011 by sianberry
The Green Party’s Deputy Leader, Adrian Ramsay, was in Lewisham last night to discuss his vision for a sustainable recovery to the economic crisis. Addressing the AGM of Lewisham Green Party on the issue of ‘Green Responses to the Recession’, Adrian spoke of the need for action to address the current economic crisis that will […]
6 October 2011 by sianberry
Green Party London Assembly Member and Mayoral Candidate Jenny Jones has said that she will attend the UK Uncut rally outside parliament on Sunday. Jones said: "I fully support this event and hope that by demonstrating just how passionately Londoners feel about the NHS we can convince the Lords to shelve the Bill for good. […]
5 October 2011 by sianberry
Caroline Allen, Islington vet and Green Party candidate for the London Assembly, is taking the campaign for safer speed limits on main roads in Islington to the council. On Thursday 6 October, Caroline will deliver a petition signed by Islington residents calling for 20mph speed limits on Essex and New North Roads to the council […]
Jenny Jones, London Assembly member and Green Party Mayoral Election candidate, has pledged support for the New West End Company’s proposal to pedestrianise central London streets on certain days of the year. 1. Jones said: "This is exactly the sort of idea the Green Party will get behind: supporting businesses, helping Londoners move around easily, […]
4 October 2011 by sianberry
The links between Boris Johnson and the Tory government have failed to improve the lot of Londoners, Jenny Jones, Green Party mayoral candidate said today. Jones, former Deputy Mayor of London and the Greens’ Mayoral candidate made the comments ahead of Johnson’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference in Liverpool. Jones said: "The Mayor has […]
3 October 2011 by sianberry
Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert, has written to the UK’s top private sector companies urging them to commit to paying a Living Wage to all employees, a move which could potentially lift hundreds of thousands of low paid staff out of working poverty {1}. It is estimated that there are some 3.5 million people […]