Cyclists & pedestrians must be given priority in review of dangerous junctions 7 February 2012 by sianberry Jenny Jones has responded to the Mayor’s review of ‘challenging’ junctions for cyclists, by calling for the Mayor to reinstate the principle that priority should be given to vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, the less able bodied and cyclists. This approach was abandoned by the current Mayor when he rewrote the London Plan. The […] Read more »
Mayor refuses to rule out tolls or bus fares to pay for Silvertown Tunnel 6 February 2012 by sianberry Jenny Jones has written to the Mayor of London asking him to make a firm commitment that bus and tube fares will not be used to finance the proposed new road across the Thames. The Mayor is consulting on the ‘principle’ of building a new road tunnel, next to the existing Blackwall Tunnel. When questioned […] Read more »
£1.2 billion a year: the cost to London of Boris’ opposition to Robin Hood Tax 2 February 2012 by sianberry A Robin Hood Tax on financial transactions would provide £1.2 billion a year for London, according to figures released by the Green Party today. A mere 0.05% tax-half that proposed by the French government-would: • Fund the construction of 32 new schools every year • Pay for an extra 23,23 police officers • Finance almost […] Read more »
New TfL figures show cycling not getting safer 2 February 2012 by sianberry Newly published official figures show that whilst cycling in London is safer than it was in 2000, the trend has reversed since around 2007/08. The annual casualty figures were already known, but the Travel in London report has now issued revised figures for the number of cycle journey stages per day, broken down by each […] Read more »
Mayor of London helped towards re-election by £90 million police payout 2 February 2012 by sianberry Reacting to the Home Office’s grant payment of £90,000,000 to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, Green Party representative on the London Assembly’s Police and Crime Committee and Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones said: "A £90m gift from the Government is welcome, but it’s clearly a one-year bailout to help their Tory Mayor of London […] Read more »
Jenny Jones welcomes Campaign for Clean Air in London’s manifesto to tackle scandalous air pollution problem 2 February 2012 by sianberry Reacting to the publication of the Campaign for Clean air in London’s manifesto, Green Party Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones said: "I’m very keen to endorse the campaign’s manifesto which provides very sensible suggestions for addressing the massive public health issue of air pollution in London. "The concept of a very low emissions zone in Inner […] Read more »
Boris’ council tax share cut is ‘gesture politics’ saving houses just 6p a week 2 February 2012 by sianberry In reaction to the Mayor of London’s announcement to cut City Hall’s share in Council Tax, Green Party Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones said: "This is gesture politics, which does next to nothing for hard pressed Londoners. Households will save 6p a week in council tax, compared to the extra £2.50 a week that a typical […] Read more »
Banker’s bonus: we need change, not just moral outcry 30 January 2012 by sianberry Reacting to Stephen Hester’s decision to waive his bonus of nearly £1 million from the Royal Bank of Scotland, Green Party Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones said: "We should be pleased rather than grateful that Stephen Hester has decided to return our money. "However we can’t rely on the individual conscience or greed of bankers to regulate how […] Read more »
Jenny Jones: how far does the rot go at Met police? 30 January 2012 by sianberry In reaction to the arrest of a Metropolitan police officer in connection to allegations of information being bought by journalists, Green Party representative on the Mayor’s Office of Policing and Crime, Jenny Jones, said: "Although we’ve expected arrests of police officers, it’s sad to see our fears seemingly confirmed about police corruption. "It’s a relief that […] Read more »
Warning that cycling festival must not distract Mayor from dealing with the basics 26 January 2012 by sianberry Responding to the announcement by the Mayor of London, that London will host a world class two day festival of cycling next year to attract tourists, generate jobs and showcase the city beyond the games. Jenny Jones AM said: "We all enjoy a party, but I am worried that the Mayor is neglecting the basics […] Read more »