Caroline Lucas and Jenny Jones visit Islington ahead of London elections 13 April 2012 by sianberry Caroline Lucas, the UK’s first Green MP and party leader will on Monday visit Islington to show her support for Jenny Jones’ Mayoral election campaign. Lucas, named Westminster’s most influential MP in her first year in the Commons, Jones, Assembly Member since 2000, and other Green candidates vying for the Assembly will meet voters on Upper […] Read more »
Green Party launches 2012 London Manifesto 12 April 2012 by sianberry Green Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones today unveiled the party’s manifesto for the 2012 London elections. Joined by fellow Assembly Member Darren Johnson and other top candidates from the Party’s London-wide list, Jones set out their vision for a Green London that acts as a model for the world in addressing climate change; a city […] Read more »
‘Make The Difference’: Green Party launches high impact party election broadcast for London elections 10 April 2012 by sianberry Young Londoners feature in upbeat film directed by Rebecca Frayn, screenwriter for Luc Besson’s Aung San Suu Kyi biopic, and shot at famous Ealing Studios The Green Party campaign for the 2012 London Mayoral and Assembly elections stepped up a gear today with the release of its hard hitting party election broadcast. The stylish black […] Read more »
Green London: how would we pay for it? 10 April 2012 by sianberry We’d love to promise a completely Green London, but sadly we’re under the heel of an austerity-obsessed government and face immense challenges that no Mayor could completely fix in four years. If you think our manifesto still sounds brilliant, you’ll be glad to hear that we think it’s also realistic! After twelve years on the […] Read more »
World Health Day protest and play outside Department of Health this Saturday 6 April 2012 by sianberry Campaign and drama group Act!(ion) for the NHS will perform its first production on Saturday, which is also World Health Day. The group aims to develop forms of political action that combine culture and politics to raise awareness and rouse people to action in defence of the NHS. Their first production is called ‘Lansley’s Bill’, […] Read more »
Jenny Jones’ tax details for the last four financial years 5 April 2012 by sianberry Jenny Jones’ tax levels for the last four financial years: 2007-08 Income £47,614.75 Tax £10.910.62 2008-09 Income £59,997.51 Tax £13,595.60 2009-10 Income £69,934.52 Tax £16,019.80 2010-11 Income £58,300.66 Tax £16,032.65 Jenny’s income, which is currently drawn from the Greater London Authority but also included an allowance from the Metropolitan Police Authority during its existence (until […] Read more »
Jenny Jones: Mayoral candidates must publish tax returns 5 April 2012 by sianberry Green candidate wants debate to move on to on issues affecting Londoners Green Party Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones today reasserted her suggestion for all four main Mayoral candidates to publish their tax returns for the last four years by Wednesday 11 April. The subject was raised during the Newsnight Mayoral debate last night on BBC […] Read more »
Jenny Jones pledges to increase public transport investment, make fares more affordable and cut congestion 4 April 2012 by sianberry The Green Party is the only party with policies that will provide the necessary investment in public transport, whilst reducing fares and cutting congestion on London’s roads. This is the message behind a comprehensive set of policies, launched today by the London Greens, which aim to make it easier, cheaper and more pleasant to walk, […] Read more »
Jenny Jones visits Barnet to pledge action on road safety 3 April 2012 by sianberry Green Party candidate for Mayor of London Jenny Jones today visited East Finchley to meet local voters and lay out policies designed to improve road safety. In 2010 Barnet suffered more road casualties (1,599) than any other borough except Westminster (1,599). Although causalities in Barnet were decreasing until 2008, they have increased under the current […] Read more »
Jenny Jones in Ilford to launch policies to support London’s High Streets 2 April 2012 by sianberry Green Party candidate for Mayor of London Jenny Jones today visited Ilford to meet local voters and lay out policies designed to support the capital’s High Streets. Jones visited the British Heart Foundation shop on Cranbrook Road and voiced her support for the Green candidate for Havering and Redbrige, Haroon Saad. Jones said: "Decades […] Read more »