Lollipop men and women join Caroline Lucas and Jenny Jones to warn Londoners away from polluted roads 1 May 2012 by sianberry Lollipop men and women joined Green Party Leader Caroline Lucas MP and Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones in Lewisham on Tuesday to highlight London’s air pollution problem—and the Mayor’s deceptive efforts to cover it up. Over 4,000 people a year die prematurely in London because of poor air quality; and the campaign group Clean […] Read more »
Jenny Jones calls for inquiry into London’s air quality 27 April 2012 by sianberry Green candidate for London mayor says that Boris Johnson is taking unacceptable risks with public health Jenny Jones today added her voice to campaigns calling for a public inquiry into air pollution in London. Cabbies Against Boris have called for an independent investigation into the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy after London repeatedly failed to meet […] Read more »
Jenny Jones named most ‘family-friendly’ Mayoral candidate 27 April 2012 by sianberry 4Children has announced that Jenny Jones is the candidate that best meets the criteria of their Mayoral Manifesto for Families The charity said that the Green Mayoral candidate ‘came closest to fulfilling their ten pledges.’ Jones said: "I’m delighted that another knowledgeable and respected organisation have highlighted how our policies meet the interests of those […] Read more »
Jenny Jones: Greens could hold balance of power on London Assembly 27 April 2012 by sianberry Recent polling figures have shown that with the Conservative Party likely to reduce its allocation on the London Assembly after the election next week, the Greens could help hold the balance of power next term. Green Party Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones, who along with Darren Johnson, is one of two existing London Assembly members, said: […] Read more »
London’s air pollution worst in Europe; similar to Beijing: Jenny Jones responds 26 April 2012 by sianberry Responding to Clean Air in London’s analysis showing London had the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic gas, of any capital city in Europe in 2010, and that levels were comparable with those in Beijing, Green Party Mayoral Candidate Jenny Jones said: ""Air pollution is now the second biggest killer in the Capital […] Read more »
Jenny Jones is greenest Mayoral candidate, say Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth 26 April 2012 by sianberry Jenny Jones, the Green Party’s candidate for Mayor of London, has been named as the Greenest Mayoral candidate by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. The report praises Jenny Jones’s manifesto pledges, including measures to tackle congestion, air pollution and road safety through the road pricing scheme, which it says "would cut fares and traffic […] Read more »
Jenny Jones polls in top three Mayoral candidates 26 April 2012 by sianberry Jenny Jones is again polling third in the London Mayoral elections, according to Comres figures released this morning. The Green Party candidate received a total of 6% of the vote in the poll, behind front-runners Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson. Jones said: "The Mayoral contest is still open and I’m pleased we are being counted […] Read more »
Jenny Jones: we need a healthier London 24 April 2012 by sianberry Green Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones today launched the Green Party’s policies to create a healthier London by protecting health services from privatisation, cleaning up the capital’s dirty air and making healthy food more easily available. Jenny Jones said: "Alongside addressing climate change, promoting equality and making London more affordable, creating a healthier capital is a […] Read more »
Jenny Jones and Caroline Allen launch Green 2012 jobs and employment manifesto in Hackney 23 April 2012 by sianberry Green Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones today launched the Green Party’s policies on jobs and employment in Hackney. Jenny Jones said: "Green Assembly Members elected in May will fight to ensure that every young person in London is offered a job or apprenticeship. "Green Assembly Members support strong investment and protection of local economies. "We […] Read more »
Green Party publishes most inclusive and accessible manifesto ever 20 April 2012 by sianberry The Green Party has published its most accessible and inclusive manifesto ever for the London mayoral and assembly elections on May 3rd. Translated into 14 languages the party’s policy proposals are also available in Large Print Large Print, Easy-read, audio, British Sign Language and Subtitled versions. Campaign materials such as its London Green News have […] Read more »