London's Green Party
27 September 2014 by sianberry
Caroline Allen, Green Party candidate for May’s European elections, joins forces with the Focus E15 group. The London Green Party is backing the Focus E15 Mothers group, and calls on Newham Council to: 1. Immediately stop persecuting the squatters, and to enable them to live in the empty homes on short-life contracts for the time […]
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24 September 2014 by sianberry
“A night time tube service is long overdue” says Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson as he welcomes the new services, but he calls for it to not be run “on the cheap” to avoid over-stretching staff. A selfie of Darren Johnson at the construction of the new ticket hall at the Victoria tube station. Darren […]
23 September 2014 by sianberry
“The Mayor has dithered, delayed and dropped so many of his promises on cycling” says Green Assembly Darren Johnson, as he expresses his concern that the Mayor will leave office without having built the safe cycle lanes that are needed. London Superhighway 7, photograph courtesy of Stephen Craven. Two of the cycling superhighways have been […]
22 September 2014 by sianberry
Green Party politicians, activists and members were be out in force this Sunday to support the historic People’s Climate March, a global day of action thought to be the largest climate rally in history. Left to right: Camden Councillor Sian Berry, Green Deputy Leader Shahrar Ali and activist Rebecca Johnson at Sunday’s march The People’s Climate March took place on the eve […]
The Mayor of London Boris Johnson has been criticised by Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson over his failure to attend the UN’s New York Climate Summit. Photograph of the New York skyline courtesy of William Warby. The Mayor of London has been criticized by London Assembly Member Darren Johnson for not joining other Mayor’s of […]
Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson calls for the Mayor to invest more in the bus service and safe cycle routes, instead of “pushing road-building projects aimed at encouraging driving”. Darren Johnson pictured above (third from the right) with campaigners this August calling for greater investment in safer cycle paths in London. Darren Johnson AM has […]
18 September 2014 by sianberry
Deputy Leader of the Green Party and London Green Amelia Womack writes about today’s referendum in Scotland – and what it means for the future of democracy in the UK. The fight against ‘business-as-usual’ is a fundamental aspect of Green Party politics. We stand against a political system that allows people to fall so far […]
Members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of a Green motion on the EU response to the Ebola outbreak, calling for urgent, immediate and coordinated action by the international community. The deadly virus has claimed the lives of over 2400 people so far, in what is being described as the worst ever Ebola epidemic […]
17 September 2014 by sianberry
Green Councillor Caroline Russell expresses her delight at the installation of the safe barbecue bin, but states the importance of creating specific barbecue areas. Councillor Caroline Russell has campaigned for measures to tackle the regular bin fires on Highbury Fields caused by foil barbecues thrown out with general picnic rubbish. This week, Islington Council has installed […]
16 September 2014 by sianberry
Haringey Green Party have confirmed Tom Davidson, experienced community figure and ex-Labour councillor, as the Green candidate in the Woodside by-election, to take place on Thursday 2nd October to fill the vacancy on Haringey Council. Tom works as a barrister specialising in criminal defence. He was a Labour councillor in Wood Green for 12 years, and a member of the Labour Party until 2013. He is currently a […]