Jenny Jones takes UK government to court over Stratford 17 February 2004 by sianberry The Stratford City development is included in evidence passed to the European Commission asking them to prosecute the UK government for breaking EU laws on air quality. Greens are concerned that the 11,089 parking spaces included will worsen air quality, as it will encorage people to drive there rather than use public transport. Air quality […] Read more »
London traffic success story under threat from road building 16 February 2004 by sianberry Greens are seriously concerned that the funding for bus and congestion charge expansion is being diverted into a new programme of road building. “This amazing switch from cars to buses, bikes and tubes should be just the start of making London a cleaner, greener, less congested city," said Jenny. "We have taken on the car […] Read more »
Future Green MEP becomes proud Dad 10 February 2004 by sianberry Paul, 36 and his wife, Emily and new son Coll live in Peckham, Southwark having formerly lived in Oxford where Paul was co-Leader of Oxford Council. Paul is on paternity leave from his job as a Senior Analyst for defence policy groups specialising in transatlantic security, nuclear and biological weapons and arms export subsidies. Paul […] Read more »
A new future for London local authorities? 10 February 2004 by sianberry “Ken Livingstone’s plan for huge super-boroughs would be one big mistake. Greens would like to see smaller local councils, which would provide a real voice for local communities. We could either return to having smaller boroughs which represent London’s historic communities, like Deptford, Stoke Newington and Hampstead. Or else we could create urban parish or […] Read more »
Livingstone’s plan will spell disaster for London 9 February 2004 by sianberry Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly said, “This is a plan that puts big business before the interests of ordinary Londoners. It proposes massive unsustainable growth with a major new round of road building, significant airport expansion and new office accommodation the equivalent of an additional seventy-five […] Read more »
Paint The Whole World Green – Darren Johnson to release CD 6 February 2004 by sianberry The new CD which will be released shortly is aimed at reaching young people who to date have not shown an interest in voting and feel a disconnection between politicians and themselves. Latest research from the Electoral Commission shows that fewer than one in five of the 18-25 year-olds intend to vote in 2004. Darren […] Read more »
Greens condemn Mayor’s crocodile tears for Erith Marshes 6 February 2004 by sianberry The Mayor has refused to dissuade Tilfen Land Ltd from developing on this precious area of rare grazing marsh. Darren Johnson and Noel Lynch, Green Party Group members of the London Assembly, tabled formal questions to the Mayor. In the Mayor’s written response he has: · stated he was not willing to convene a meeting […] Read more »
TV Star Peter joins Green Assembly Member Noel Lynch to give one billion plastic bags the sack 4 February 2004 by sianberry Noel will be handing out copies of his report ‘Plastic not Fantastic’ which outlines the problem of plastic carrier bags. Noel Lynch Green Assembly Member said, “Londoners alone use one billion plastic bags a year many of which are burnt, releasing toxic fumes or ending up in landfill sites. We need to look for alternatives […] Read more »
Give Parthenon back its marbles, say Greens 4 February 2004 by sianberry Campaigners argue that the marbles should be returned to their rightful home in Greece. They were removed from the Parthenon in Athens by Lord Elgin in the early 1800’s and are currently on display at the British Museum. Noel Lynch said, “The marbles represent the atrocities of imperialism. It is wrong for England to keep […] Read more »
Give plastic bags the sack, say Greens 4 February 2004 by sianberry "Londoners alone use one billion plastic bags a year, many of which are burnt, releasing toxic fumes or else they end up in landfill sites. We need to look for alternatives before we are buried under a mountain of bags," said Noel. As well as calling for people to use alternative such as re-usable bags, […] Read more »