Stars come out for the Greens – Venus transit will make a difference, says Jonathan Cainer 24 May 2004 by sianberry "A rare transit of Venus takes place on the eight of June for the first time in over 100 years. This sheds fascinating light on the nature of the elections that are due to follow it. The event will create a cosmic climate in which people all over the planet find themselves re-evaluating their priorities […] Read more »
Twiggy endorses Greens’ animal rights manifesto 24 May 2004 by sianberry Actress and 60s supermodel Twiggy has endorsed the Green Party manifesto on animal welfare and rights. After meeting with Green Party Deputy Mayor of London, Jenny Jones at Buckingham Palace, Twiggy wrote to Jenny totally supporting the Animal Rights section of the manifesto. Darren Johnson, Green party mayoral candidate said, "We are delighted to have […] Read more »
London’s deputy mayor visits Thornton Heath to call for action on gun crime 21 May 2004 by sianberry While overall crime in London is falling, crime involving guns is increasing, and the biggest rise is in the use of replica guns. Jenny, as a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, has produced a report illustrating the increasing amount of crime involving such weapons. "I’m coming to Croydon because it’s one of the areas […] Read more »
Greens launch radical canals policy – establish canals as a Blue Route says Darren 21 May 2004 by sianberry The Green Party wants to establish canals as a blue route, with priorities given to activities that are quiet and slow. Darren Johnson said, "London’s canals provide an oasis of clam within the heart of many of London’s busy urban areas. As London’s Mayor, I would ensure that this vital resource is protected and enhanced." […] Read more »
Poll shows Greens on 31% across European Union – UK Greens on 10% 19 May 2004 by sianberry Spencer Fitzgibbon, head of media for the Green Party of England and Wales said, "This bodes well for the Green Party and is in line with our predictions for six Members of the European Parliament." The Leader of the Greens in the London Assembly and Mayoral Candidate for London, Darren Johnson said, "The reception I […] Read more »
Greens launch action plan for the Thames 17 May 2004 by sianberry Darren Johnson said. "The Thames should be for all Londoners to enjoy not merely crammed wall-to-wall with luxury apartment blocks. I want much tighter control on development with a focus on protecting green space and wildlife and promoting river related activities such as sailing and river transport." London Greens believe that the Port of London […] Read more »
Greens demand resignation of American and British Defence Ministers and an immediate investigation into war crimes 14 May 2004 by sianberry Greens are demanding the resignation of the American and British Defence Ministers and calling for the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to launch, on his own initiative, an immediate investigation into war crimes. For the sake of justice, those that are following orders should not be made to suffer the consequences of a philosophy […] Read more »
GLA Green candidate Miranda Dunn arrested for criminal damage to a carpet at Landmark Hotel 13 May 2004 by sianberry Miranda Dunn is being held at Paddington police station tonight after being arrested for criminal damage to a carpet. Miranda, who was protesting at the Landmark Hotel where George Bush Senior is staying was arrested just before 7.00 pm this evening. George Bush Senior is holding a $1000 dollar fundraising dinner to help re-elect his […] Read more »
Noel saves the day – Green Party Assembly Member demands police return protestor Brian Haw’s placards 10 May 2004 by sianberry Noel Lynch said, "As I speak, the police are returning all the banners belonging to Brian Haw. I can confirm Brian is back protesting in his usual place. I believe this action by the police was politically inspired. If there was a bomb scare caused by a parked car, why did the police endanger their […] Read more »
Greens launch election manifesto -Quality life for a Quality London 10 May 2004 by sianberry Jenny Jones, Deputy Mayor of London, Darren Johnson, Green Party Mayoral Candidate and Jean Lambert, Member of the European Parliament will be setting out Green Party programme for London for the next term of office. The Green Party is putting forward an exciting vision of a Green London where quality of life for all is […] Read more »