London's Green Party
19 August 2008 by sianberry
Responding to news that Boris Johnson has now decided to chair the TfLBoard instead of Tim Parker, and that Tim Parker will be standing downfrom his role as First Deputy Mayor, Darren Johnson, a Green PartyMember of the London Assembly commented: "Tim Parker is the third key figure to resign in less than fourmonths, reflecting […]
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14 August 2008 by sianberry
London Green councillor Maya de Souza, today raised concerns at the conclusions of a report showing the disproportionate targeting of black and asian lawyers by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority. Councillor de Souza has represented Highgate ward in Camden since 2006 and is a member of the government’s 14-strong Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Women Councillors’ […]
12 August 2008 by sianberry After declaring himself a die-hard opponent of a third runway at Heathrow airport, Boris Johnson now seems to be backtracking. In his Daily Telegraph column he bets that Heathrow’s third runway will never get built. It is almost a lament, rather than the cue for a street party involving tens of thousands of west […]
11 August 2008 by sianberry
More London drivers are obeying the rules and not jumping red lightsaccording to figures released by the Metropolitan Police. The number ofmotorists caught jumping red lights over the last five years reached apeak of over 50,000 in 2005, as the number of cameras and level ofenforcement increased, but the number being fined has dropped rapidly […]
8 August 2008 by sianberry The new mayor of London has cancelled the biggest purchase order for hydrogen vehicles in the country and possibly the world. This dreadful decision will make the capital much weaker when facing problems in the very difficult times ahead. This decision matters because hydrogen is potentially one of the best ways of storing and […] Boris Johnson is making long-term decisions that are in danger of making London less green, environmental and social campaigners say, as the new mayor reaches 100 days in office. The mayor had pledged to make London the greenest city in the world before the elections but London is rapidly losing its reputation for being […]
4 August 2008 by sianberry
Responding to reports of the Mayor of London’s decision to drop aprogramme which would have seen the transformation of 100 publicspaces in London, Jenny Jones, Green Party London Assembly Member, hasaccused Boris Johnson of back-tracking. "In the introduction to his environment manifesto, the Mayor said thathe would ‘nurture and protect the public spaces that bind […]
29 July 2008 by sianberry
The MET police are being called on to delete inappropriate personalrecords that may be stored on their database, following a landmarkruling from the Information Tribunal that police are breaking the rulesin terms of the personal data they are holding onto. Jenny Jones, aGreen Party Member of the London Assembly, will raise this issue at thenext […]
21 July 2008 by sianberry
Replying to the leak of DWP Secretary James Purnell’s latest ‘get tough on claimants’ Green Paper, London Green Party Disability Spokesperson Alan Wheatley said: "What jobseekers need is more in the way of green lights, not more of the same draconian measures that make welfare reform the latest frontier for legalised human trafficking at a […]
17 July 2008 by sianberry
Green Party councillors are picketing Brighton Town Hall alongside Unison members and Greens across the country are supporting other strike actions. Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert, who specialises in employment and equality issues, said: “I wholeheartedly support UNISON’s call for fair pay for local Government workers. New research has found that public sector wages […]