London's Green Party
1 December 2010 by sianberry
As protests and occupations against rising tuition fees escalate across the country, Green Party Assembly Member Jenny Jones, who supported yesterday’s Whitehall student protests, calls on the Met Police to end its use of kettling, stating the tactic amounts to "false imprisonment" and should be made "illegal". Jenny Jones, in adopting a new and tougher […]
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30 November 2010 by sianberry
Letter from Jenny Jones to protesters at student tuition fees demos of 24th November: I am a member of the London Assembly and hold the Mayor to account in areas such as transport, London’s environment and policing. I was at the student demonstrations against tuition fee increases in Whitehall on the 24th November and have […]
Lewisham’s Green councillor, Darren Johnson, voted against major cuts in council services at last night’s meeting of Lewisham Council, where police in riot gear struggled to contain hundreds of protesters, angry at Labour Mayor Steve Bullock’s proposals to slash £60m from the council’s budget. Cllr Johnson was one of only three councillors to vote against […]
29 November 2010 by sianberry
Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, called for a "massive turnout" at next year’s national demonstration against cuts [1] in her keynote speech at Saturday’s founding conference of the Coalition of Resistance. Over 1200 people packed into the Camden Centre to hear and take part in discussions on what is being seen as the […]
25 November 2010 by sianberry
Green Party Assembly Member Darren Johnson AM has accused Fire Authority Chair, Brian Coleman of deliberately sabotaging a negotiated settlement to the fire dispute. Darren commented: "Brian Coleman’s latest comments show that he has never been interested in resolving this dispute in an amicable way, he just wants to break the FBU. Even as the […]
Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, will address hundreds of anti-cuts campaigners at the Coalition of Resistance’s Organising Conference in Camden on Saturday. The national event will focus on organising resistance to the Government’s budget cuts and dismantling of the welfare state. Jean, a keynote speaker at the conference, said: "The coalition Government has […]
24 November 2010 by sianberry
The tragedy of 2,100 extra deaths of older Londoners should shame the Mayor into protecting his flagship home insulation programme says Noel Lynch, chair of the London Green party. Figures published yesterday showed that there were 2,100 excess deaths of people aged 65 and older in London last winter (1). The Office for National Statistics […]
22 November 2010 by sianberry
Green Party activists will join Westminster residents and conservationists [1] from across the capital, for a ‘Walk in The Green Park’ tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd November) in a last ditch attempt to save ancient parkland from destruction as proposals for a war memorial costing £5 million get the go ahead to start construction in January 2011. […]
17 November 2010 by sianberry
With energy bill rises of 7-9% already announced by British Gas and Scottish and Southern Energy, Green Party Assembly Member, Darren Johnson has attacked the London Mayor for failing to arm Londoners against the extra costs by protecting his flagship home insulation programme. People who have already benefited from the programme are saving an average […]
16 November 2010 by sianberry
The Mayor needs to step up the pressure on Whitehall and London’s boroughs to pay the London Living Wage, Green Party Assembly Member, Darren Johnson says, following success in signing high profile companies up to ending poverty pay for their subcontracted workers. Darren Johnson says: "The Mayor has made big strides with the private sector, […]