London's Green Party
20 January 2011 by sianberry
Cuts to housing benefit and homelessness services could lead to rough sleeping doubling by the end of 2012, rather than ending as the Mayor of London aims, Green London Assembly Member, Jenny Jones has warned. Cuts to housing benefits and to already-stretched homelessness services, some of which will close altogether, are likely to see the […]
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14 January 2011 by sianberry
Money to plant and maintain street trees across London could be under threat because of council budget cuts, the London Assembly heard today. The Assembly’s Environment Committee heard the Mayor’s street tree scheme was on target to deliver 9,500 new trees by Spring 2011 but there are concerns about ongoing maintenance costs for local authorities […]
6 January 2011 by sianberry
Economic regeneration plans for the capital have been dealt a further blow as a new Freedom of Information (FOI) request by the Green Party reveals tens of millions of pounds allocated to London under EU programmes have been jeopardised by the Government’s decision to bar the London Development Agency (LDA) from providing the matching funds […]
23 December 2010 by sianberry
The Mayor of London has published his budget for the Greater London Authority and functional bodies 2011/12. Jenny Jones, Green Party member of the GLA said: "The Mayor has let Londoners down in this budget. First Londoners face a rise in public transport fares of 7% from January, well above inflation at a time when […]
16 December 2010 by sianberry
The London boroughs are facing a cut in the amount of money they can spend on transport projects, such as fixing potholes and redesigning the layout of local town centres. The amount given to local authorities by Transport for London (TfL) will have fallen from £169m in 2009/10 to £120m by 2013/14, under plans announced […]
15 December 2010 by sianberry
Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, has welcomed European Parliament’s adoption of a directive setting out new EU rules on the prevention of human trafficking, but is disappointed it did not include stronger provisions for protection of victims [1]. The goal of the directive [2], which represents the first substantive criminal law measure to […]
In response to the decision of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to allow the building of 180 luxury flats on Crystal Palace Park to fund its restoration, Darren Johnson, London Assembly Member, commented: "This is a disastrous and short-sighted decision. If the building of luxury flats on Crystal Palace Park goes […]
10 December 2010 by sianberry
The government is "abdicating responsibility to tackle violence perpetrated by members of the police service", said the Green Party today. After Caroline Lucas MP posed questions about the home secretary’s stance on the "kettling" tactic and the alleged use of mounted police to charge a peaceful crowd, the Greens said the home secretary’s replies indicated […]
6 December 2010 by sianberry
Tower Hamlets Green Party has announced it is putting forward community health professional and campaigner Maggie Crosbie [1] as its candidate for the 16th December by-election in Banglatown and Spitalfields. Maggie Crosbie, a mother of two, known locally for her tireless work to improve the lives of disadvantaged families and young people in some of […]
3 December 2010 by sianberry
Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, is helping launch the Camden and Islington Green Party’s Walk King’s Cross campaign today Friday 3 December [1]. The campaign is calling for the roads around the station to be made more pedestrian-friendly and safer for all users. Jean, whose office is in the area on Gray’s Inn […]