Unlawful killing of Ian Tomlinson 3 May 2011 by sianberry Responding to the inquest jury ruling that newspaper seller Ian Tomlinson was unlawfully killed by PC Simon Harwood at G20 protests in London, Jenny Jones, Green member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said: "Having heard all the evidence, the jury are beyond doubt that PC Harwood’s brutality was deliberate, unjustified and contributed to Ian Tomlinson’s […] Read more »
Mayor should issue Royal Wedding smog alert 21 April 2011 by sianberry Jenny Jones has written to the London Mayor urging him to issue a smog alert warning if the current pollution episode carries over into the Royal Wedding next week as predicted in official weather forecasts. DEFRA issue occassional smog alerts. Londoners and visitors can sign up to Airtext, which sends out alerts when pollution levels […] Read more »
‘Nuclear is not the answer’, say campaigners 19 April 2011 by sianberry Lewisham Deptford MP Joan Ruddock is being urged to reconsider her support for a new generation of nuclear power stations in Britain, as local campaigners observe the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster next Monday. "It’s 25 years since the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the Ukraine and barely 25 days since the […] Read more »
Europe responds to Mayor’s air pollution claims 19 April 2011 by sianberry The Mayor of London has repeated his claim that "three quarters of the occasions when legal limits of PM10 concentrations were exceeded during February and March were due to pollution blown in from continental Europe". He implies that this was a major factor in Marylebone Road having 29 bad air days so far this year. […] Read more »
Cross-party call for a Yes Vote 19 April 2011 by sianberry Green Party London Assembly Members Darren Johnson and Jenny Jones have today issued this cross-party call for a Yes vote in the forthcoming referendum: As London Assembly Members from every group we have come together to urge Londoners to vote Yes in the referendum to change the voting system. On May 5th you will have […] Read more »
High Court ruling on Met Police kettling 14 April 2011 by sianberry The High Court ruled today that police acted unlawfully when they "kettled" protesters during G20 demonstrations in the City of London two years ago. Two protesters – Josh Moos, a campaigner for Plane Stupid, and Hannah McClure, had challenged the restraint used against them at the Camp for Climate Action in Bishopsgate on April 1 […] Read more »
Olympics to miss renewable energy target, “miserable result” 14 April 2011 by sianberry The Olympic Park will only produce 9% of its energy from renewable sources, having promised to achieve 20%. Darren Johnson commented: "This really is a miserable result. I know the organisers have had some difficulties but quite frankly this should never have been allowed to happen. It makes a mockery of the idea of a […] Read more »
Olympics pollution fear 14 April 2011 by sianberry An official report on the environmental impact of the Olympic Games has admitted that increases in traffic along the Olympic Route Network will lead to European legal limits on air pollution being exceeded. The modelling done by consultants employed by the Olympic Delivery Agency (ODA) states that "… the number of daily mean exceedences at […] Read more »
Register to safeguard your vote, Green MEP reminds Londoners 12 April 2011 by sianberry Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert, has today urged Londoners to make sure that they are registered to vote in the forthcoming referendum on the Alternative Vote system with the deadline for registration just days away. Britain goes to the polls on the 5th of May to decide on whether to replace the outdated First-Past-The-Post […] Read more »
Green MEP joins European Parliament in condemning sexual assaults in North Africa 10 April 2011 by sianberry Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert has today supported the European Parliament’s adoption of a resolution which strongly denounces sexual assaults on women in North Africa including the torturous, forced ‘virginity tests’ that have taken place in Egypt. The resolution, which focuses on the use of sexual violence in conflicts in North Africa and the […] Read more »