Help refugees with empty fire and police stations, Mayor told

London Green Party Mayoral candidate Sian Berry

Sian Berry, the Green Party’s mayoral candidate, has urged Boris Johnson to offer empty fire and police stations as emergency accommodation for refugees, and to lobby the Government to let more refugees enter the UK and settle in London. Several former police and fire stations are already being underused by property guardian companies, and could be converted at minimal cost for emergency accommodation.

Sian put a motion to Camden Council in April pressing them to take part in resettlement schemes, in her capacity as councillor.

Sian commented,

“The situation for vulnerable Syrian refugees is bleak in the extreme. The Mayor has said and done too little in the face of this humanitarian crisis, but he could make a decisive intervention in the debate within government and offer practical help right here in London for people in need of shelter while councils find them decent homes to settle in.

“Londoners take great pride in our tradition of welcoming refugees. I am calling on the Mayor and all mayoral candidates to stand up to the shameful intransigence of our government, and show that London is a generous and compassionate city.”

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