24 October 2013 by sianberry
The European Parliament today adopted a resolution calling for the suspension of the EU-US agreement on the exchange of bank transfer data, following the revelation that the US secret service NSA was also involved in the surveillance of SWIFT (the international bank transfer company). After the vote, London’s Green Party MEP Jean Lambert stated: “In calling for the […]
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23 October 2013 by sianberry
The Mayor of London refused to clamp down on developers insisting on separate entrances and lifts for affordable housing that help sell homes to investors, following questioning by Darren Johnson AM today at Mayor’s Question Time. Darren asked about One The Elephant, a development of 284 flats with prices starting at £330,000 for a studio […]
22 October 2013 by sianberry
The number of cycle hires in September this year has decreased by 32% when compared to the same month in 2012, new Transport for London figures show. In January 2013 cycle hire scheme access fees increased from £1 to £2 per day, £5 to £10 a week and £45 to £95 a year. A TfL […]
WORLD leaders must focus on providing more decent work for women and young people as well as eradicating poverty and hunger, London MEP Jean Lambert has said. In a message for International Day for the Elimination of Poverty the Green Euro-MP has called for the UN to step up efforts to meet the Millennium Development […]
18 October 2013 by sianberry
The Green Party has given its full support to today’s demonstration, organised by the campaign group Action for Rail, against the proposed re-privatisation of the East Coast Mainline railway. The party has called upon the government to listen to the demands of its travelling public with national support for renationalising the railways currently standing at […]
15 October 2013 by sianberry
LONDON Green Euro-MP Jean Lambert has welcomed a vote by the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee to scrap the monthly ‘merry-go-round’ of holding meetings in both Brussels and Strasbourg. She said the practice, which sees up to 5,000 lawmakers and parliamentary staff travel some 550 miles from Brussels to Strasbourg and back each month was […]
Babies born to mothers who live in areas with air pollution and dense traffic are more likely to have a low birth weight, according to a large European study. The researchers, who included a team from the UK, found that babies were smaller even in areas with relatively low levels of air pollution, well below […]
11 October 2013 by sianberry
PUBLIC consultation will play a key role in future applications for ‘fracking’ in Croydon and Orpington – and major development projects like Heathrow – after MEPs voted to revise EU legislation on environmental impact assessments (EIAs). The Greens strongly welcomed provisions to make EIAs compulsory for non-conventional fossil fuel projects, notably shale gas extraction and […]
9 October 2013 by sianberry
LONDON Euro-MP Jean Lambert has vowed to fight on for pilot and passenger safety after MEPs voted to relax rules limiting flight times. The Greens had proposed the objection due to concerns the proposed increase in flight times would lead to more strenuous working conditions for pilots, with the associated safety risks for passengers and […]
LONDON’S Green MEP Jean Lambert has called on new EU rules governing sea borders to put saving lives ahead of deterring migrants in the wake of last week’s tragedy, which saw at least 200 African refugees lose their lives just yards from the Italian island of Lampedusa. Ms Lambert, Green Party Immigration spokesperson, said: “The […]