25 April 2014 by sianberry
“The time for talking is now over” says Green MEP Jean Lambert as she calls for legal action to be taken to stop the massacre of protected species. The Pallid Harrier is an example of one of Europe’s rarest birds of prey which has been killed in Malta. Photograph courtesy of Chinmayisk. A group of […]
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24 April 2014 by sianberry
Green MEP Jean Lambert speaks out against the “darker side” of the fashion industry, pointing out the importance of trade unions to protect the rights of workers and the necessity of the consumer to realise the “real human cost of a cheap t-shirt”. Jean Lambert photographed at the ‘flash mob’ event in Oxford Street, part […]
Despite remaining problems in ensuring all victims of the factory collapse receive compensation Green MEP Jean Lambert is pleased by the “willingness from many stakeholders to make progress” and that over 100 unions have been formed in the garment sector since last year. Above the rescue operation on the ruins of the Savar building is […]
23 April 2014 by sianberry
“London still has some of the most inefficient housing in the UK” says Green MEP Jean Lambert nearly a decade after she wrote a report examining in detail how energy-inefficient London’s homes were. Earth Day is an annual event taking place on April 22nd in support of environmental protection, you can learn more about Earth […]
Green MEP Jean Lambert speaks out against the “xenophobic” UKIP campaign, instead calling for the UK to be “at the heart of the EU” to work towards ensuring equal rights and a living wage. London’s Green MEP Jean Lambert has pointed to the chasm between UKIP claiming to defend British workers jobs, while doing nothing to […]
21 April 2014 by sianberry
London Green Party MEP candidate Caroline Allen writes about Sunday’s pro-cannabis legalisation rally. Yesterday I spoke at the 420 event in London’s Hyde Park. The pro-cannabis rally run by NORML-UK and UK Cannabis Social Clubs was well attended in spite of the truly awful weather and relentless rain. The Greens are the only mainstream party with a […]
17 April 2014 by sianberry
Green MEP Jean Lambert calls the revision on aviation rules “a blow for all European citizens living near airports”, which will now enable the European Commission to overrule flight restrictions at airports, including night bans. Airports, such as Heathrow, may soon be able to operate to a much larger extent during the night. Euro-MP Jean […]
Legislation to ensure minimum wage and other rights is “an important step forward” for the rights of workers temporarily posted in other EU member states says Green MEP Jean Lambert. Green MEP Jean Lambert was recently interviewed for France 24 about immigration to London. For more information on Jean Lambert like her on Facebook or visit […]
“Any measures to dramatically cut their use are to be welcomed” says Green MEP Jean Lambert as MEPs call for mandatory targets to reduce plastic bag use by 50% in three years and 80% over five. Stricter laws on disposable plastic bags will “massively benefit our environment” says Jean Lambert. Photograph courtesy of Pauline Eccles. […]
15 April 2014 by sianberry
Green MEP Jean Lambert welcomes the introduction of legislation that will force manufacturers to improve windows and mirrors to improve cyclists’ visibility. New legislation will improve cyclists’ safety on the road says Jean Lambert. Photograph courtesy of Jeremy Hughes. MEPs in the European Parliament have voted to support measures which will improve the design of […]