9 September 2003 by sianberry
Jenny visited the fair to see for herself the 1000 exhibitors displaying a wide range of tanks, guns, bombs and associated hardware at the government-supported show which takes place on the anniversary of the September 11 attack. The fair is the target of determined protest by a wide mix of peace groups who believe the […]
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2 September 2003 by sianberry
On 8th September, Parliament will vote on a new law that could lead to the fluoridation of all Britain’s water supplies. Consumer and campaigners across the country believe that fluoridation is a serious and unnecessary health risk and strikes at our civil liberties. Noel Lynch has taken up the fight against this proposal. “Surely forcing […]
“Whilst I welcome the Mayor’s drive towards more recycling, London needs a more radical approach that will actually put us on the road to a totally recycling London. That’s why the Greens are calling for a Zero Waste strategy. Only then will London truly become a world-class sustainable city rather that one suffocating under a […]
29 August 2003 by sianberry
These signs are designed to be a lasting memorial to those killed or injured on Britain’s roads. Jenny Jones, the Deputy Mayor of London and a Green Party member of the London Assembly is writing to all local authorities in London, asking them to support people who wish to put up these plaques. The plaques […]
4 August 2003 by sianberry
?He was jailed on Monday for six weeks for cultivating 19 cannabis plants in the basement of his Lambeth home. Shane has been released pending his appeal on Monday 4 August at 10.30am at Inner London Crown Court. “I can’t comment on the case with my appeal hearing today. But I do look forward to […]
Asked how he felt on being released, Shane said, “I’m relieved that the Crown Court has overruled a fairly extreme Magistrates’ Court. I’m frustrated that 19 small plants have caused 6 court appearances, 5 days in prison and at least 8 police officers’ time, as well as a large waste of taxpayers’ money. If the […]
31 July 2003 by sianberry
"This is ludicrous when we’re on the point of changing the law. It’s even worse when the UK has its highest prison population ever. The criminal justice system is under huge pressure, yet we’re being heavy-handed on victimless crime”, said Jenny Jones, Green Deputy Mayor. "The law is in urgent need of reform. Putting someone […]
16 July 2003 by sianberry
Darren promises to get tough with developers on their environmental credentials if he becomes London’s Mayor. “I want to make it compulsory for all new buildings to be fitted with solar panels if they are to gain planning permission. This is what the City Council is doing in Barcelona and we should be doing it […]
10 July 2003 by sianberry
He will be visiting Bexley today to launch his Mayoral campaign and deliver his anti-roadbuilding pledge. “The very first thing I’d do as Mayor is scrap Livingstone’s plans for the Thames Gateway road crossing which is set to bring thousands and thousands of extra vehicles into South East London. More roads simply mean more traffic. […]
9 July 2003 by sianberry
In his speech to the Assembly Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly, said,“ Most Londoners will simply not understand why the full Assembly is refusing to debate airport expansion. The joint Liberal-Democrat/Labour leadership of the Assembly has been dismal and uninspiring. They have failed the Assembly and […]