8 December 2003 by sianberry
Heathrow Airport alone costs the general public £857million in hidden costs with estimated £489 million costs that contribute to climate change. Proposed Green Party legislation for an Air Traffic Reduction Bill would bring about the first steps to introducing a level playing field. Cllr. Darren Johnson, Leader of the Greens on the London Assembly, and […]
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20 November 2003 by sianberry
“London has terrible air quality problems and we need a lot more action on recycling. When it comes to spin and propaganda, the Mayor throws money around like there’s no tomorrow. But when it comes to front-line services to improve people’s quality of life, resources are getting slashed,” commented Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Leader of […]
17 November 2003 by sianberry
Slamming the planned visit, Darren said President Bush is totally deserving of his predicted un-welcome to London because of his point-blank refusal to tackle climate change. “Bush is clearly not welcome in Britain. The President should stay home instead and get the United States to play its part in tacking global warming and take its […]
12 November 2003 by sianberry
They believe that such a move would limit people’s democratic right to demonstrate peacefully. “Looking at the list of demands from George Bush for his State visit, we have to ask ourselves if this is an appropriate visit at this time,” said Jenny. “So many people are justifiably angry that we were pulled into the […]
11 November 2003 by sianberry
The Assembly is acting unwisely and prematurely in giving unconditional support now to the Olympics Bid, according to the Greens. “When Barbara Cassani, Chair of the Olympic Bid Company, spoke to the London Assembly on 15 October, there was little indication that she is working to the best environmental standards and was far from being […]
10 November 2003 by sianberry
“The Mayor’s public consultation is a complete sham. Residents were consulted in such a way as to give the Mayor the rubber stamp he was looking for. Not only that, but he also has no clear idea of how much traffic the bridge will generate nor which East London roads will be faced with gridlock. […]
8 November 2003 by sianberry
“Heroin addiction is the cause of many of our crime problems, because addicts commit crimes to feed their habit. Treating them as patients and giving them free clean heroin means we can remove their need to fund their addiction and thereby cut crime radically”, explained Jenny. “A Green approach to drug addiction could cut crime […]
29 October 2003 by sianberry
Consequently, she is siding with local Crouch End residents, who have lodged a planning application for the market. Meanwhile, local traders are adamantly opposed to a weekly farmers’ market in their high street. Crouch End shopkeepers argue that a farmers’ market will draw people away from their shops; however, they seem to be welcoming the […]
28 October 2003 by sianberry
Greens are renewing their call for a congestion charge for air traffic to tackle pollution, noise and other hidden health concerns that result from aviation. “At last, Gordon Brown is beginning to see the benefits of aviation taxes. But in the era of the cheap flights boom increasing air passenger duty to £10 on economy […]
22 October 2003 by sianberry
Greens believe that the Thames Gateway development will not be sustainable without the Green Grid, a vast network of existing and new green space which link parks, commons and nature reserves across town centres and major residential and commercial areas. Phase One of the Grid (mapping and establishing principles) has been funded by the London […]