7 November 2004 by sianberry
Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Green Party London Assembly Member, is pressing the Mayor to abandon the urban motorway scheme once and for all. TfL believe that they can raise around £60m over a period of five years from the sale of the majority of the 432 properties which they had acquired in order to expand […]
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21 October 2004 by sianberry
Jenny Jones, Green Party member of the London Assembly, believes that this is partly connected to the growth in the sale of stolen bikes at Brick Lane market. The overall growth in the number of people cycling also accounts for some of the growth in thefts, with boroughs like Camden, Westminster and Wandsworth all near […]
17 October 2004 by sianberry
The map shows which buildings are vulnerable to flooding and will prompt fears that owners and builders will be unable to get insurance cover in future years. Green Party Assembly member, Jenny Jones said: “Global warming is already a reality for people living as far apart as the disappearing islands of the pacific and the […]
20 September 2004 by sianberry
Green Party Transport speaker, Darren Johnson said: “The Government is happy to pay for road schemes like widening the M25, but expects Londoners to find money for major public transport expansion in the capital. The Greens welcome the Mayor’s plans to expand public transport, but we don’t agree with bus fares going up to finance […]
14 June 2004 by sianberry
Darren Johnson who also ran for Mayor and received over 200,000 second preference votes said today, "The result is tinged with sadness due to the loss of Noel Lynch as an Assembly Member. Noel has done excellent work in promoting local businesses and protecting open spaces as well as being a strong green voice on […]
11 June 2004 by sianberry
For all the results, go to the BBC news London elections webpage: news.bbc.co.uk Or the Guardian London elections webpage politics.guardian.co.uk
9 June 2004 by sianberry
He said, "Europe needs more Green MEPs. Most environmental decisions are made at the European level and Green MEPs can have the most far-reaching effect." Hugh, who has advocated using local food in his River Cottage TV series and is a keen supporter of the organic movement, added: Having more elected Greens will increase the […]
Darren Johnson said, "This slur is amazing. The No Campaign has never given the Green Party money. It did pay for a leaflet for the Green Party to advertise its pro-European stance but its anti euro currency policy as it did for Labour against the Euro. The campaign was led by Dr David Owen, that […]
Darren Johnson said, "The Liberal Democrats are so concerned about the environment that they could not even bother to respond to Greenpeace when asked about their policies on three major issues of environmental concern – Chemicals, Forestry and Climate Change. Tories and Labour did not respond but that is no surprise. The Liberal Democrats, however […]
8 June 2004 by sianberry
Jean Lambert Green MEP for London said, "We hear much rhetoric from the other parties on their green credentials but when it cuts to the chase, it’s all greenwash. They just don’t perform. The results speak for themselves." The Green Party recently scored more points than the other parties added together in recent Friends of […]