21 May 2007 by sianberry
The conference, ‘On the offensive with the ETUC, more solidarity, more sustainable development’, sees trade unions from across Europe join together to review current political situations and agree on policies for the future. Speaking after President Barroso’s opening speech Jean said she was extremely disappointed by Barroso’s ‘old thinking’ and commented; “The ETUC conference was […]
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16 May 2007 by sianberry
Over 75 countries around the world still punish men, women and children for their sexuality and homophobia causes misery for LGBT communities in many more countries. Jean Lambert, who is a member of the European Parliament’s Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights, has condemned such actions and said IDAHO gives everyone a chance to make […]
10 May 2007 by sianberry
To become a Fair Trade Borough five goals have to be met including the local council passing a resolution supporting Fair Trade and a range of Fair Trade products being available and used in a number of local work places. Jean, who is Green MEP for London, will be joined by the Leader of the […]
As Green MEP for London, where at 37% levels of damaging emissions from the domestic sector are higher than that from transport, Jean has previously slammed the Government for their lack of joined up thinking to tackle climate change. In anticipation of the conference, where Jean will speak along side UK MPs, Jean commented; "The […]
4 May 2007 by sianberry
on Monday when she addresses the Strangers into Citizens rally in Trafalgar Square. Many of those in irregular situations have had asylum claims refused or may have overstayed, and many of those who are in work are paying taxes and national insurance. Jean, who is a member of the European Parliaments committee on Employment and […]
26 April 2007 by sianberry
Jean, who is a member of the European Parliament’s Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights, today said she was proud to vote for the resolution against Homophobia but regretted the antagonistic approach taken by some of her colleagues towards this important motion. Speaking after the vote Jean said; “This is the European Year of Equal […]
25 April 2007 by sianberry
When proposals for the directive were being considered at committee stage the Greens raised a number of concerns including the legal base of the directive and the limiting scope to clear cases of copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting. Speaking after the vote Jean Lambert said: “The report on criminal measures for enforcing intellectual property rights […]
On 1st March 2007 it was announced that the results of laboratory tests on Ocalan’s hair had confirmed highly increased values of Strontium and Chrome – indicating chronic poisoning. Over 70 people have taken part in a hunger strike since the beginning of April 2007 protesting against the poisoning and today demonstrated outside the European […]
The report, the first evidence-based and robust study of the climate change implications of having ‘two seats’, has warned that at a cost of more than €200 million euros and 20,268 tonnes of additional carbon dioxide emissions every year – more than some countries – such practice is critically damaging the environment and undermining EU […]
23 April 2007 by sianberry
After 18 years in prison, including 12 years in solitary confinement for telling the world that Israel was secretly developing nuclear weapons, Mordechai Vanunu was released in 2004, yet he continues to be subjected to persecution that clearly contravenes his human rights. Jean Lambert MEP, who has been awarded for her work on justice and […]