1 November 2007 by sianberry
According to new figures from DEFRA , a total of 588,432 fly-tipping incidents were dealt with by local authorities in the London region between April 2006 and March 2007. This is an increase of 22% from previous years figures. Hackney Council spent only £12,666 clearing up fly-tipped rubbish. In contrast Wandsworth Council spent £3,767,964. Darren […]
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Following the verdict that the Metropolitan Police are guilty of endangering public safety, Siân Berry has called for the immediate resignation of Met Commissioner Ian Blair. Siân said: "The Met can no longer write off the killing of Jean-Charles de Menezes as an unfortunate accident. This verdict shows that the police behaved in a dangerous […]
31 October 2007 by sianberry
Siân Berry, the Green candidate for Mayor of London, has lent her backing to a Hallowe’en demonstration 1 demanding better pay for cleaners. Members of the T&G section of the Unite trade union are presenting Citigroup with a Hallowe’en pumpkin and the message ‘Justice For Cleaners!’ between 4pm and 5.30pm this afternoon in a bid […]
30 October 2007 by sianberry
Jean Lambert MEP will be one of the key speakers at Enfield Citizens Advice Bureau’s (CAB) conference on social policy today, focussing on the role of advice centres and the voluntary sector in addressing social deprivation in London. The conference aims to bring together people from CAB offices across London and local voluntary organisations to […]
Green candidate for Mayor of London, Siân Berry, has pledged to go further than Ken Livingstone’s fares freeze announced today, and cut the cost of travel in London. Siân said that she would cut all bus and off-peak tube fares, and extend the student discount, currently available only for Oyster travelcards, to pay-as-you-go fares as […]
23 October 2007 by sianberry
The European Commission today presented its first proposal for measures to address legal immigration in the EU, including a proposed ‘blue card’ for EU immigrants. Commenting on the proposals, UK Green and immigration spokesperson Jean Lambert said: "The proposed blue card for skilled workers is a welcome start as regards recognising that the EU will […]
Following reports that business minister John Hutton is to advise the Prime Minister to sink EU renewables targets, Green London Mayor candidate Siân Berry has pledged that a Green London would meet its European obligations on renewables even if the Government refused to do so in the rest of the country. Siân said: "I’m disappointed […]
19 October 2007 by sianberry
The European Commission has this week taken action against the UK for exceeding emissions limits for particulate matter (PM10), fine particles which can increase the number and severity of asthma attacks, cause lung diseases and reduce the body’s ability to fight infections. The Commission has written to the UK Government asking them to provide evidence […]
17 October 2007 by sianberry
Today, 17 October, is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Across Europe and across the world the gap between rich and poor is growing. Jean Lambert, London’s Green MEP, on the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, said: “This International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is important for the […]
12 October 2007 by sianberry
The European Commission has announced that it will not provide funds to a journalism school in Poland, linked to the ultra-conservative and homophobic Radio Maryja, following a written communication from Jean Lambert MEP and pressure from civil rights groups. Jean Lambert highlighted that the college was controlled by Tadeusz Rydzyk, a Catholic priest who heads […]