9 October 2008 by sianberry
The London Assembly has unanimously called on the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) to ensure the Assembly is consulted on any future proposals that could weaken the 2012 Games’ legacy and environmental sustainability standards as a result of the mounting cost pressures arising from the current economic climate. Proposing the amendment to the motion Darren Johnson […]
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8 October 2008 by sianberry
The London Assembly is urging the Government to introduce a scheme to allow irregular migrants to earn UK citizenship. Assembly Members today passed a motion supporting a one-off, time limited route to citizenship for irregular migrants who have been living in the UK for many years. The motion also calls on Mayor of London Boris […]
Jenny Jones, is asking the Mayor of London why the consultation on the articulated bus routes 38, 507 and 521 does not include any information on the environmental impacts of replacing bendy buses with larger numbers of conventional double and single decker buses. Transport for London have specified that the switch from bendy buses to […]
The London mayor has not supported a local authority which wants to explore the use of 20mph as the standard speed limit on most of the roads in its borough. Mayor Boris was answering a question from Darren Johnson about Transport for London providing Lewisham with the appropriate technical and legal guidance, and financial support. […]
7 October 2008 by sianberry
Darren Johnson will tomorrow ask the London Assembly to support his call to allow migrants who have been living or working in London for at least four years without permission to be given the chance to become citizens. "It has been estimated that an amnesty like this could save Londoners many hundreds of millions of […]
Darren Johnson will call on London’s Mayor to follow the recommendations of the national Climate Change Committee by introducing a long-term target of cutting London’s CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050, including aviation. Welcoming reports of the Climate Change Committee’s recommendation of an 80% cut in the UK’s greenhouse gases, Darren said: "This national recommendation […]
6 October 2008 by sianberry
While welcoming the cancellation of the Thames Gateway six lane road Bridge, Darren Johnson will use next weeks Mayor’s Question Time to interrogate the Mayor on the cancellation of a number of important public transport schemes in London. The Mayor today cancelled proposals for an Oxford Street Tram, East London Transit, Greenwich Waterfront Transit, […]
The following motion, moved by Jenny Jones AM at the Metropolitan Police Authority, was passed today: "We believe that decisions concerning the confidence of Londoners in their Commissioner need to be taken by the Metropolitan Police Authority, with its cross party and independent membership, reflecting a broad range of Londoners views." Jenny also called for […]
2 October 2008 by sianberry
"Ian Blair put bobbies back on the beat in London and reduced crime. The successful roll out of safer neighbourhood teams across the whole of London was a major achievement and is a legacy which must be defended. We also have a higher proportion of officers from Black and Ethnic Minorities in London, as well […]
29 September 2008 by sianberry
Jenny Jones is calling on the London mayor to make extra funding for local policing a higher priority than Olympic security. Olympic security is expected to cost £800m in the build up, and £600m during the event itself. Jenny Jones commented: "The Olympics cannot become a bottomless pit for public funds and police officer resources. […]