6 November 2008 by sianberry
While welcoming the cancellation of the Thames Gateway six lane road Bridge, Darren Johnson will use next weeks Mayor’s Question Time to interrogate the Mayor on the cancellation of a number of important public transport schemes in London. The Mayor today cancelled proposals for an Oxford Street Tram, East London Transit, Greenwich Waterfront Transit, Docklands […]
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5 November 2008 by sianberry
Commenting on today’s European Parliament Employment Committee second reading vote (1) on the proposed Working Time Directive, Jean Lambert, London Green MEP and member of the committee, said: "I am very pleased that MEPs have today shown their commitment to ending opt-outs from the Working Time Directive, meaning there would be no exception for the […]
Jenny Jones has responded to the London Mayor’s document: ‘Way to go!’, She said: "This document aims to outline the London Mayor’s future priorities for spending a £36 billion budget. It is good journalism, but poor policy making. I welcome the fact that he has pledged to continue with a set of transport projects which […]
The Transport for London Board today agreed to abolish the mid year inspections for black cabs. Figures released by Jenny Jones show that 2,389 black cabs failed pollution tests during the first round of mid year inspections. A further 513 were failed for brakes and 591 for suspension. Black cabs emit particulates, such as PM10s, […]
3 November 2008 by sianberry
Whilst cautiously welcoming the Mayor of London’s proposal to tackle youth offending, Jenny Jones has called for tough, productive community service sentences before any imprisonment of young Londoners. This morning the Mayor announced that he is working with Government on a scheme to send young first time offenders to a dedicated jail away from the […]
23 October 2008 by sianberry
A new investigation will look at how effective 20mph zones have been in making London’s roads – the scene of more than 28,000 casualties last year – safer for pedestrians and cyclists. London boroughs and Transport for London (TfL) have the power to set speed limits of 20mph on residential streets, and between them have […]
More than one in five households in London may be unable to afford to adequately heat their homes this winter, according to new figures obtained by Cllr. Darren Johnson AM. 760,000 London households are estimated to be in fuel poverty – a fourfold increase in the last five years. Darren Johnson commented: "Rising energy prices […]
Jenny Jones has discovered that 29,000 Oyster cards for under 16s have failed and been replaced in the last year. Transport for London claim that over half of these withdrawn cards were damaged. Jenny Jones requested the information from the Mayor following complaints from the parents of children who have been stopped from travelling on […]
19 October 2008 by sianberry
New figures released by Jenny Jones show that 2,389 black cabs failed pollution tests during the mid year inspections which the London mayor is now consulting on either reforming, or abolishing. A further 513 were failed for brakes and 591 for suspension. The consultation ends on October 24th. Black cabs emit particulates, such as PM10s, […]
16 October 2008 by sianberry
Jenny Jones has called on London’s Mayor to target police overtime in his efforts to find efficiencies in City Hall spending. Jenny will question the Mayor, who also chairs the Metropolitan Police Authority, as he makes plans for his first City Hall budget. Figures recently obtained by Jenny show that overtime for police officers, police […]