31 March 2009 by sianberry
The Transport for London Board approved a revised budget today which delays or cancels key schemes. The Greenwich Waterfront Transit is cancelled and the widening of the North Circular is delayed. Failure to widen the North Circular may leave a gap in the Olympic Priority Route Network. This follows the cancellation of several other transport […]
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30 March 2009 by sianberry
Leading Greens today criticised a Labour energy minister for destroying the chances that a fuel poverty bill would become law. The Fuel Poverty Bill was backed by campaigning groups including Age Concern, Help the Aged and Child Poverty Action Group and would have introduced: * A major energy efficiency programme to bring existing homes up […]
Darren Johnson today welcomed ‘Prospectus to London the Low Carbon Capital’, commissioned by the Mayor of London, which examines the low carbon economy and how London can capitalise on this emerging market. The report estimates that ‘green activities’ such as the retrofitting of buildings and the introduction of electric vehicles will bring thousand of jobs […]
27 March 2009 by sianberry
The European Parliament has this week called for concerted action to ban female genital mutilation in the EU, by adopting a new report which also acknowledges the problem in EU immigration law. Every year approximately 180,000 female emigrants in Europe undergo, or are in danger of undergoing, female genital mutilation (FGM). Although FGM is a […]
Suburban cycling cut to pay for central London cycling Analysis of new figures released by Transport for London shows how the Mayor is planning to spend £57m on a Velib style cycle hire scheme in central London whilst spending less on schemes, which would benefit cycling in outer London. New figures show that out of […]
26 March 2009 by sianberry
Budget papers being presented to tomorrow’s meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority propose to suspend £6.6m growth budget for youth crime prevention and enforcement. The paragraph in the budget papers states that: "Given the new pressures that are having to be managed within the budget now proposed, these initiatives will not now be progressed unless […]
24 March 2009 by sianberry
Responding to proposals from the Chief Executive of the Greater London Authority that would see the size of City Hall reduced by 114 posts, Darren Johnson AM, Green Party Member of the London Assembly said, "With such big staff cuts I am concerned about whether the Mayor could really deliver his statutory duties on the […]
23 March 2009 by sianberry
A report from the Joint Select Committee on Human Rights has criticised the misuse of the law against demonstrators. Jenny Jones is raising related concerns with the London Mayor about police surveillance techniques and use of information ahead of the G20 demonstrations in London on April 1st. A series of written questions to the mayor […]
19 March 2009 by sianberry
Responding to new London Development Agency proposals to offer free energy saving measures to every London home, Darren Johnson said he was pleased that his consistent questioning and raising of the issue has paid off. The announcement follows a major investigation by the London Assembly’s Environment Committee, chaired by Darren Johnson, which flagged up the […]
18 March 2009 by sianberry
Responding to new London Development Agency proposals to offer free energy saving measures to every London home, Darren Johnson said he was pleased that his consistent questioning and raising of the issue has paid off. "Ever since the home energy saving scheme introduced by Ken Livingstone was set for cancellation by the new administration, I […]