High pay quadrupled in Boris Johnson’s City Hall last year

Four people in City Hall were paid more than £150,000 in 2012/13, roughly ten times the London Living Wage, figures published in the Greater London Authority’s unaudited annual accounts show. This is an increase from one person in the previous year, and in each of the other years since the Mayor came into office there have only been one or two people paid this much.

London Green Party Assembly Member Jenny Jones commented:

“The Mayor claims to support fair pay principles, but he is paying more top officials huge salaries while most of his staff, and most Londoners, have struggled with stagnant wages for several years.

“The London Assembly has been clear that big pay gaps are bad for society. Research has shown that more equal societies are generally happier and healthier with less violent crime. We can’t afford not to reduce the pay gap in this divided city.”


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